Instantáneo in english


pronunciation: ɪnstənt part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

instantáneo = instant ; instantaneous ; split second. 

Example: There is already a large and growing number of commercial data bases that allow the individual or corporate consumer to gain instant access to need information.Example: Online catalogues and indexes offer easy and instantaneous amendment of records, without the need to issue new editions.Example: It also provides split second image display for the manual capture of the remaining fields = It also provides split second image display for the manual capture of the remaining fields.


» café instantáneoinstant coffee .

Example: In strong contrast to, say, television sets and instant coffee, where the consumer may save by shopping around, there is no advantage to be gained by going to one shop rather than another for a book so far as price is concerned.

» éxito instantáneoinstant success .

Example: We live in a culture of instant success.

» mensajería instantáneainstant messaging .

Example: In addition, 41 per cent claim to use electronic mail and instant messaging to contact teachers or classmates about school work.

Instantáneo synonyms

imperative in spanish: imperativo, pronunciation: ɪmperətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun minute in spanish: minuto, pronunciation: mɪnət part of speech: noun, adjective flash in spanish: destello, pronunciation: flæʃ part of speech: noun moment in spanish: momento, pronunciation: moʊmənt part of speech: noun second in spanish: segundo, pronunciation: sekənd part of speech: adjective, noun exigent in spanish: exigente, pronunciation: eksɪdʒənt part of speech: adjective insistent in spanish: insistente, pronunciation: ɪnsɪstənt part of speech: adjective wink in spanish: guiño, pronunciation: wɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb trice in spanish: santiamén, pronunciation: traɪs part of speech: noun clamant in spanish: clamante, pronunciation: klæmənt part of speech: adjective inst in spanish: inst, pronunciation: ɪnst part of speech: adjective jiffy in spanish: instante, pronunciation: dʒɪfi part of speech: noun instantaneous in spanish: instantáneo, pronunciation: ɪnstəntæniəs part of speech: adjective crying in spanish: llorando, pronunciation: kraɪɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective twinkling in spanish: centelleo, pronunciation: twɪŋkəlɪŋ part of speech: noun split second in spanish: dividir segundo, pronunciation: splɪtsekənd part of speech: noun new york minute in spanish: minuto de New York, pronunciation: nujɔrkmɪnət part of speech: noun blink of an eye in spanish: en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pronunciation: blɪŋkʌvænaɪ part of speech: noun
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