Insólito in english


pronunciation: ənjuʒuəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

insólito = extraordinary ; unheard of ; unlikely ; off-beat ; weird ; outlandish ; unheard. 

Example: Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.Example: Hypermedia offers unheard of opportunities to gain insight into the way young people perceive, process and use information.Example: This has led to some unlikely liaisons.Example: Also, it must be remembered that since experts represent the establishment in a subject area, they may be intellectually reluctant to accept an off-beat new idea from an upstart young author.Example: This paper surveys some of the more weird World Wide Web sites.Example: This book discusses some of the most outlandish myths and fantastic realities of medical history.Example: As professionals are informed about the often unspoken and unheard stories relating to hearing loss, they can then serve with greater knowledge, empathy, and hope.


» de forma insólitaweirdly .

Example: Dan has been acting weirdly lately --. I think he's having yet another existential crisis.

» de manera insólitaweirdly .

Example: Dan has been acting weirdly lately --. I think he's having yet another existential crisis.

» de modo insólitoweirdly .

Example: Dan has been acting weirdly lately --. I think he's having yet another existential crisis.

» parecer insólitosound + weirdsound + odd .

Example: It sounds weird but in my short no-way-out street there are two wheelchairs parked permanently.

Example: These decisions may sound odd, like the assumption of an 'unreliable' network, but history has proven that most of them were reasonably correct.

» sonar insólitosound + weirdsound + odd .

Example: It sounds weird but in my short no-way-out street there are two wheelchairs parked permanently.

Example: These decisions may sound odd, like the assumption of an 'unreliable' network, but history has proven that most of them were reasonably correct.

Insólito synonyms

unique in spanish: único, pronunciation: junik part of speech: adjective weird in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: wɪrd part of speech: adjective other in spanish: otro, pronunciation: ʌðɜr part of speech: adjective different in spanish: diferente, pronunciation: dɪfɜrənt part of speech: adjective peculiar in spanish: peculiar, pronunciation: pəkjuljɜr part of speech: adjective quaint in spanish: pintoresco, pronunciation: kweɪnt part of speech: adjective eerie in spanish: misterioso, pronunciation: ɪri part of speech: adjective curious in spanish: curioso, pronunciation: kjʊriəs part of speech: adjective exotic in spanish: exótico, pronunciation: ɪgzɑtɪk part of speech: adjective crazy in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzi part of speech: adjective odd in spanish: impar, pronunciation: ɑd part of speech: adjective queer in spanish: raro, pronunciation: kwɪr part of speech: adjective, noun fantastic in spanish: fantástico, pronunciation: fæntæstɪk part of speech: adjective funny in spanish: gracioso, pronunciation: fʌni part of speech: adjective strange in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: streɪndʒ part of speech: adjective grotesque in spanish: grotesco, pronunciation: groʊtesk part of speech: adjective singular in spanish: singular, pronunciation: sɪŋgjəlɜr part of speech: adjective antic in spanish: grotesco, pronunciation: æntɪk part of speech: adjective, noun rum in spanish: Ron, pronunciation: rʌm part of speech: noun gothic in spanish: gótico, pronunciation: gɑθɪk part of speech: adjective, noun rummy in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: rʌmi part of speech: noun freaky in spanish: raro, pronunciation: friki part of speech: adjective eery in spanish: misterioso, pronunciation: ɪri part of speech: adjective uncommon in spanish: poco común, pronunciation: ənkɑmən part of speech: adjective fantastical in spanish: fantástico, pronunciation: fæntæstɪkəl part of speech: adjective unaccustomed in spanish: no acostumbrado, pronunciation: ənəkʌstəmd part of speech: adjective out-of-the-way in spanish: fuera del camino, pronunciation: aʊtʌvðəweɪ part of speech: adjective
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