Insignificante in english


pronunciation: ɪnsɪgnjɪfɪkənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

insignificante = insignificant ; petty ; trivial ; two-bit ; menial ; trifling ; of no consequence ; a bit of a fluff ; fluff ; light hearted [light-hearted/lighhearted] ; paltry ; measly ; piddling. 

Example: Most commercial abstracting services rely upon the refereeing procedure applied to the original document in order to eliminate insignificant and inaccurate submissions.Example: It may seem petty to distinguish between the plural and singular form, and therefore unnecessary to include both forms in the index.Example: A further problem is the fact that place names may appear in a trivial context.Example: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.Example: The librarians too often fall prey to laziness by refusing to perform less academic and more menial tasks = The librarians too often fall prey to laziness by refusing to perform less academic and more menial tasks.Example: But to employ a professional librarian on a case where the intellectual content is trifling and the clerical labour massive is as unreasonable as to call in a detective to trace a pair of mislaid spectacles = But to employ a professional librarian on a case where the intellectual content is trifling and the clerical labour massive is as unreasonable as to call in a detective to trace a pair of mislaid spectacles.Example: Don't waste your time on this mean-spirited little film of no consequence.Example: A bit of a fluff episode, but it shows just how naive these boys can be.Example: Drama is, bottom line, seen as a fluff subject by many people.Example: Properly read, live literature -- even the quietest or most light-hearted -- may be disturbing, may subvert our view of life.Example: And there is no guarantee that any of the paltry sums of extra money available will actually benefit the workers in the recipient countries.Example: Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still 'measly'.Example: Personal financial problems and piddling little controversies could absolutely kill a politician, eating away at him, worrying him sick.


» algo insignificantejust a little dot .

Example: It might be just a little dot in the huge canvas of our whole lives, but there are those special few that draw the dot with a permanent marker.

» asunto insignificantematter of no consequence .

Example: Therapeutic lying can be practical and effective in matters of no consequence.

» cuestión insignificantematter of no consequence .

Example: Therapeutic lying can be practical and effective in matters of no consequence.

» hacer que Algo sea insignificantemake + Nombre + pale by comparison .

Example: The article is entitled 'Digital library will make today's Internet pale by comparison'.

» parecer insignificante en comparaciónpale by + comparison .

Example: No matter how good you are, there's a significant chance of paling by comparison.

» ser algo insignificantebe small beerbe small potato(es)be small change .

Example: The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.

Example: I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.

Example: The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.

» ser insignificantestick + Algo + on a pin-pointbe of no consequencebe (just) chicken feed .

Example: Miss Laski suggests that in many cases what can be learnt from popular romance can be 'stuck on a pin-point'.

Example: Who gets killed is of no consequence but the fact that people are killed is of consequence.

Example: $2.5 million may be chicken feed to you, but here in the real world it is a big deal.

» ser insignificante debe slight in .

Example: Inevitably, a large proportion of these self-chosen books will be slight in stature.

» volverse insignificantefade into + insignificancedwindle in + insignificancepale into + insignificance .

Example: When he was with her, everything faded into insignificance.

Example: But the other pleasures in this book are enough to make such fumbles dwindle in significance.

Example: Even this pales into insignificance against the magnetic disc drive which can transfer data at 200,000 characters per second, with the discs rotating at 2,400 rpm.

Insignificante synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb minor in spanish: menor, pronunciation: maɪnɜr part of speech: adjective, noun trivial in spanish: trivial, pronunciation: trɪviəl part of speech: adjective small in spanish: pequeña, pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective superficial in spanish: superficial, pronunciation: supɜrfɪʃəl part of speech: adjective peanut in spanish: maní, pronunciation: pinət part of speech: noun meaningless in spanish: sin sentido, pronunciation: minɪŋləs part of speech: adjective unimportant in spanish: sin importancia, pronunciation: ənɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective colorless in spanish: incoloro, pronunciation: kʌlɜrləs part of speech: adjective inconsiderable in spanish: insignificante, pronunciation: ɪnkɑnsɪdɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective hole-and-corner in spanish: hoyo y esquina, pronunciation: hoʊlændkɔrnɜr part of speech: adjective undistinguished in spanish: mediocre, pronunciation: əndɪstɪŋgwɪʃt part of speech: adjective unnoticeable in spanish: imperceptible, pronunciation: ənɑtəsəbəl part of speech: adjective inappreciable in spanish: inapreciable, pronunciation: ɪnəpriʃəbəl part of speech: adjective unmeaning in spanish: sin sentido, pronunciation: ənminɪŋ part of speech: adjective hole-in-corner in spanish: agujero en la esquina, pronunciation: hoʊlinkɔrnɜr part of speech: adjective
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