Inserción in english


pronunciation: ɪnsɜrʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

inserción = addition ; insertion ; intercalation ; embedding ; tip-in ; interpolation ; grafting. 

Example: A scheme should allow expansion, to permit the additions of new subjects or more specific subdivision of existing subjects.Example: It is necessary that any notation be hospitable to the insertion of new subjects.Example: The scheme allows for the intercalation of Space concepts and therefore both class numbers are permissable in terms of UDC.Example: User wnat to see immediately just what is going to be printed (WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get) and find the embedding of control words into the text laborious.Example: Finally, the scores of amendments, which had been issued to change rules or clarify their meaning, had mounted to the point where catalogers copies of the AACR were seriously out-of-date, if they were not bulging with tip-ins.Example: Editorial interpolations are placed in square brackets [].Example: Topics covered include planting the seed, transplanting the seed, propagation by cuttings, and grafting.


» inserción de agujaneedling [Acto de insertar la aguja por los agujeros de un paquete de tarjetas perforadas para seleccionar los documentos relevantes] .

Example: He can select the relevant documents by a process of needling the pack of cards.

» inserción de datosinput .

Example: The output from a post-co-ordinate index depends both on the input to the system, and the physical nature of the store.

» inserción de guioneshyphenation .

Example: The following represent some of the factors that might need to be specified: justification, indentation and hyphenation.

» inserción de injertosinfilling [En restauración, uso de papel o pergamino para rellenar las zonas perdidas] .

Example: Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.

» inserción laboraljob placementlabour insertion .

Example: The libraries are located in the fringe areas between low-income neighbourhoods and business districts and provide careers and educational guidance, job placement and referral to community facilities for diagnosis and remedial services.

Example: Poverty, the immediate environment and the consequent absence of social networks which could stimulate contact and interaction is a barrier to labour insertion.

» inserción socialsocial inclusionsocial insertion .

Example: Proposals should aim at explaining to the citizens in Latin America the benefits of the Information Society in the following four areas: local governance, education and cultural diversity, public health and social inclusion (or e-inclusion).

Example: This programme programme offers juvenile delinquents an option of training, rehabilitation and social insertion during the period that they are serving their sentence.

» marca de insercióncaret (^) [Símbolo usado por los correctores de pruebas para indicar dónde debe insertarse algo] .

Example: Two marks common to printers of the hand-press period everywhere were: a stroke through a word or letter that was to be deleted; and a caret (^) placed where a word or letter was to be inserted.

» muesca de inserciónlocating cut .

Example: The gas cylinder has a small locating cut out on the inner rim to ensure it locks into place within the cooker.

» programa de inserción socialHead Start program .

Example: Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.

» ranura de inserciónlocating cut .

Example: The gas cylinder has a small locating cut out on the inner rim to ensure it locks into place within the cooker.

» tecla de insercióninsert key .

Example: The purpose of the insert key is to allow the insertion of one or more characters in the middle of a field without disturbing the information already displayed.

Inserción synonyms

introduction in spanish: Introducción, pronunciation: ɪntrədʌkʃən part of speech: noun intromission in spanish: intromisión, pronunciation: ɪntrəmɪʃən part of speech: noun
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