Insensatez in english


pronunciation: sensəlesnəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

insensatez = unwisdom ; foolishness ; bad judgement. 

Example: They believed in the 'inevitability of stratification, necessity of aristocracy, importance of religion and morality, sanctity of property, unwisdom of majority rule, urgency of constitutionalism, and folly of all attempts at social and economic leveling'.Example: That's partly because the foolishness or disasters that we as catalogers face daily are seldom translated into letters to LC.Example: However, what is considered good judgement in one culture is often considered bad judgement within another culture.

Insensatez synonyms

inanity in spanish: inanidad, pronunciation: ɪnænɪti part of speech: noun vacuity in spanish: vacuidad, pronunciation: vækjuɪti part of speech: noun mindlessness in spanish: inconsciencia, pronunciation: mɪndləsnəs part of speech: noun pointlessness in spanish: inutilidad, pronunciation: pɔɪntləsnəs part of speech: noun
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