Insalvable in english


pronunciation: ɪnsɜrmaʊntəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

insalvable = insurmountable. 

Example: There is thus every reason to anticipate that the 'insurmountable obstacles' to achieving collaboration in subject cataloguing will be overcome, as they have been with author cataloguing.


» diferencias insalvablesirreconcilable differences .

Example: In a number of states, irreconcilable differences is the accepted ground for a no-fault divorce.

» obstáculo insalvableinsurmountable obstacle .

Example: There is thus every reason to anticipate that the 'insurmountable obstacles' to achieving collaboration in subject cataloguing will be overcome, as they have been with author cataloguing.

Insalvable synonyms

insuperable in spanish: insuperable, pronunciation: ɪnsupɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective unsurmountable in spanish: insuperable, pronunciation: ənsɜrmaʊntəbəl part of speech: adjective unconquerable in spanish: inconquistable, pronunciation: ənkɑnkɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective
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