Innecesario in english


pronunciation: ənnesəseri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

innecesario = innecessary ; needless ; unnecessary ; superfluous ; gratuitous ; uncalled-for ; unneeded. 

Example: The papers analysed were all published in biomedical or physical science journals, where the peer review process is strict with respect to verbosity and innecessary illustrations.Example: It is becoming urgently necessary for all information agencies to develop the closest co-operation to avoid wasting their resources through needless duplication and friction.Example: Consequently, it would be wasteful and unnecessary to list, or enumerate, Space and Time facets in every main class schedule.Example: The business community began to see the institutions of the Community as meddlesome or, as in the case of the European Parliament, superfluous.Example: However, most librarians do not have the training for counseling and should avoid gratuitous tampering with the lives of library patrons.Example: Reserve services are not noticeably curtailed; but the added clerical burden on the staff is cited as a serious, expensive, and possibly uncalled-for consequence of compliance.Example: The author concludes that science libraries buy many unneeded books.


» convertir en innecesariorender + Nombre + unnecessary .

Example: There is a union catalogue but the development of a national data base should render this unnecessary.

» desechar lo innecesariocut through + the noise .

Example: Automation tools can help you streamline your workflow and cut through the noise.

» eliminar gastos innecesarioscut + the fat .

Example: When you cut too much, you are not cutting the fat, you are cutting the muscle of your company, and operationally, you will not be able to handle the upturn of your business.

» hacer innecesarioobviate + the need formake + Nombre + redundantrender + Nombre + unnecessary .

Example: All the print in one book should be of the same kind, to obviate the need for optical adjustment.

Example: In one breath you say it's not very valuable and technologies will soon be here to make it redundant and in the next breath boast of its capabilities - you just can't have it both ways!.

Example: There is a union catalogue but the development of a national data base should render this unnecessary.

» hacer que Algo sea innecesariorender + Nombre + unnecessary .

Example: There is a union catalogue but the development of a national data base should render this unnecessary.

» riesgo innecesariounnecessary risk .

Example: He is practically minded, not taking unnecessary risks or deliberately hurting his victims if nothing is to be gained.

» volver innecesariorender + Nombre + unnecessary .

Example: There is a union catalogue but the development of a national data base should render this unnecessary.

Innecesario synonyms

redundant in spanish: redundante, pronunciation: rɪdʌndənt part of speech: adjective superfluous in spanish: superfluo, pronunciation: supɜrflwəs part of speech: adjective spare in spanish: de repuesto, pronunciation: sper part of speech: verb, adjective gratuitous in spanish: gratuito, pronunciation: grətuətəs part of speech: adjective excess in spanish: exceso, pronunciation: ekses part of speech: noun, adjective extra in spanish: extra, pronunciation: ekstrə part of speech: adjective surplus in spanish: superávit, pronunciation: sɜrpləs part of speech: noun, adjective supernumerary in spanish: supernumerario, pronunciation: supɜrnumɜreri part of speech: adjective needless in spanish: innecesario, pronunciation: nidləs part of speech: adjective supererogatory in spanish: supererogatorio, pronunciation: supɜrroʊgəgeɪtɜri part of speech: adjective unneeded in spanish: innecesario, pronunciation: ənnidɪd part of speech: adjective inessential in spanish: no esencial, pronunciation: ɪnɪsenʃəl part of speech: adjective uncalled-for in spanish: fuera de lugar, pronunciation: ənkəledfɔr part of speech: adjective
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