Inmiscuir in english


pronunciation: ɪntrud part of speech: verb
In gestures

inmiscuirse = intrude ; meddle (in/with). 

Example: Although every assistance should be given to the user of the microfilm collection, attendants should be careful not to intrude.Example: It also can give the impression that Finland is meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.



» inmiscuirseintrudemeddle (in/with) .

Example: Although every assistance should be given to the user of the microfilm collection, attendants should be careful not to intrude.

Example: It also can give the impression that Finland is meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

» inmiscuirse en la vida de Alguienintrude on + Posesivo + privacy .

Example: The judge ruled that a magazine that published a photograph of a woman baring her breasts at a pig roast did not intrude on her privacy.

» no inmiscuirsekeep out of it .

Example: She has been told that it is none of her business and should she wish to continue being part of their lives then she should keep out of it.

» no inmiscuirse enremain + uninvolved instay (well) away from .

Example: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.

Example: This, again, is an area most libraries -- at least the ones I'm familiar with -- have tended to stay away from.

Inmiscuir synonyms

trespass in spanish: pecado, pronunciation: trespæs part of speech: noun obtrude in spanish: entrometerse, pronunciation: əbtrud part of speech: verb irrupt in spanish: irrumpir, pronunciation: ɪrʌpt part of speech: verb
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