Injustificado in english
pronunciation: əndʒʌstəfaɪd part of speech: adjective
pronunciation: əndʒʌstəfaɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures
injustificado = unwarranted ; unjustified ; uncalled-for ; wrongful ; ill-justified ; gratuitous ; unexcused.
Example: Panizzi introduced what seemed to his critics unwarranted and capricious complications calculated to make the catalog much more difficult for the librarian to prepare and the reader to use.Example: Many citation analyses draw conclusions unjustified by the evidence, which could mislead unwary librarians.Example: Reserve services are not noticeably curtailed; but the added clerical burden on the staff is cited as a serious, expensive, and possibly uncalled-for consequence of compliance.Example: Something must be done to resolve freelance authors' rights to remuneration for wrongful use of their property.Example: Unfortunately, he supports President Bush's extravagances in his ill-named war on terror and ill-justified invasion of Iraq.Example: However, most librarians do not have the training for counseling and should avoid gratuitous tampering with the lives of library patrons.Example: Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.