Inicial in english


pronunciation: ɪnɪʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

inicial1 = initial ; initialism. 

Example: Names commonly vary in fullness, especially in terms of the extent of abbreviations and initials used.Example: These recommendations specify the presentation of numbers, acronyms, and initialisms in headings and references.


» inicial del apellidolast initial .

Example: To protect anonymity, a party must be referred to by first name and last initial in all filed documents and court orders.

» inicial del primer nombre de pilafirst initial .

Example: To search for a publication by its author, enter the author's last name, a comma, first initial if known, followed by a backslash (\).

» inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una personamiddle initial .

Example: If you're not sure of the exact form of the phrase (Does the author have a middle initial?), enter as much of the phrase as you know.

» inicial encuadradafactotum [Bloque de madera grabada con un espacio en el centro en donde se colocaba una letra inicial para su impresión] .

Example: A special form of woodcut initial, common from the mid sixteenth to the mid eighteenth century, was the factotum, a square ornamental block with a hole through the middle into which a piece of type could be wedged, one block thus serving for any initial letter.

» inicial orladaornamental initialillustrated initial .

Example: The libraries were links between European and American printers and this would explain similarities observed in the motifs of ornamental initials seen in European and American books.

Example: The author analyzes the scriptural symbolism in an illustrated initial depicting the Crucifixion, focusing on the significance of a white-haired and bearded Christ.

» inicial xilográficawoodcut initial .

Example: Add to this his stock of unique woodcut ornaments and initials, and his finger-print is plain, a typographical equipment that belonged to him alone.

» jerga de las inicialesinitialese .

Example: The result of UNESCO's activity has been the growth of mass of international activity accompanied by a daunting array of jargon and initialese aptly denominated by P.J. Judge as 'alphabet soup'.

» palabras inicialesopening statement .

Example: Following an opening statement by Senator Joseph Lieberman, a panel of witness who have done research and work in the field gave testimony.

» problemas inicialesgrowing pains [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos]teething troublesteething problems .

Example: Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.

Example: This article describes how the library is coping with cataloguing given the speed with which it has grown, teething troubles with new software, backlogs, and funding and staffing cuts.

Example: This article describes the installation of the terminal, teething problems, staff training, searching on-line, and selection of staff for training.

» todas las iniciales del nombre propiofull initials .

Example: A correctly rendered surname together with the full initials is usually sufficient to ensure that the searcher will have no trouble, for instance, HAY, E.S.

» última iniciallast initial .

Example: To protect anonymity, a party must be referred to by first name and last initial in all filed documents and court orders.

inicial2 = initial ; original ; up-front [up front] ; founding ; germinal. 

Example: Further, no guidance can be expected on alternative terms that are related to the searcher's initial search term.Example: Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.Example: This article presents useful low cost options for on-line data base searching that allow even small libraries to offer searching without large up-front costs or ongoing investment.Example: The founding missions have being found increasingly ill-suited for the demands of the marketplace.Example: Unique as it is, this creation has its germinal origin in Morris's earlier works.


» alineación inicialstarting line-up .

Example: Rudi Keil returns to the starting line-up after missing out last week through illness.

» comentario inicialopening remark .

Example: North Korea said today it was fully ready to work to denuclearise the Korean peninsula in opening remarks to six-party talks in Beijing.

» cotización inicialstarting price .

Example: Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.

» créditos inicialesopening credits .

Example: There is a brief scene in the opening credits to M*A*S*H in which a group of five nurses are shown running towards the chopper pad.

» espacio en blanco inicialbeginning blank .

Example: In this figure, the character 'b' is used to indicate beginning or trailing blanks which belong the ISBD punctuation.

» etapa inicialearly stage .

Example: The risk of passing HIV infection through sexual activity is also much higher during the early stage of acute infection.

» fase inicialearly stageinput stage .

Example: The risk of passing HIV infection through sexual activity is also much higher during the early stage of acute infection.

Example: To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage = Expresando esto con términos ya usados, suponen un esfuerzo en la etapa inicial con objeto de reducir el esfuerzo en la etapa final.

» jugador inicialstarting player .

Example: The last 4 cards are simply used to determine starting players at the start.

» letra inicial decoradaswash capital [En impresión, letra inicial mayúscula que tiene como fondo o que está incluida en un dibujo]decorated capital [En impresión, letra inicial mayúscula que tiene como fondo o que está incluida en un dibujo] .

Example: Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.

Example: Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.

» observación inicialopening remark .

Example: North Korea said today it was fully ready to work to denuclearise the Korean peninsula in opening remarks to six-party talks in Beijing.

» posición inicialstarting positionlead position .

Example: If one of them is held down long enough, the cursor will eventually be moved back to its starting position, since the screen 'wraps around'.

Example: Obviously, for each term to appear in the lead position, at least six entries are necessary.

» precio de venta inicialasking pricestarting price .

Example: As a somewhat seasoned traveller, I understand the need to barter since the asking price is almost always double what they will take.

Example: Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.

» precio inicialstarting priceasking price .

Example: Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.

Example: As a somewhat seasoned traveller, I understand the need to barter since the asking price is almost always double what they will take.

» problema inicialstartup problem .

Example: Such conversion requires such extremely detailed project planning and execution that new system start-up problems are all too common.

» problemas inicialesgrowing pains [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos]teething troublesteething problems .

Example: Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.

Example: This article describes how the library is coping with cataloguing given the speed with which it has grown, teething troubles with new software, backlogs, and funding and staffing cuts.

Example: This article describes the installation of the terminal, teething problems, staff training, searching on-line, and selection of staff for training.

» punto inicialjumping-off pointpoint of departurespringboardjumping-off placelaunching pad .

Example: Think of this recipe as a jumping-off point to customize your own!.

Example: Apart from its undoubted value in its own right, Sears' provides a valuable model or point of departure for others.

Example: These cases also serve as 'springboards' to more generalized discussions about issues, values, hypotheses, research findings, points of view, and so forth.

Example: Use the following questions and areas of interest as a jumping-off place to create your master list of goals, hopes, wishes and dreams.

Example: Also this film series was the launching pad for Disney's new distributor, Buena Vista International.

» salario inicialstarting salaryentry level salary .

Example: There are many factors that affect starting salary, and you need to take those into account to bring your expectations in line with reality.

Example: There are several ways to gather information on entry level salaries as well as on other professional level jobs = Hay varias formas de recoger información sobre los salarios iniciales así como los de otros niveles profesionales.

» término iniciallead-in termleading term .

Example: Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.

Example: The leading term determines the position of the entry, and the qualifying terms are subordinate to it.

» término inicial de un encabezamiento compuestolead term [Primer término de un encabezamiento de materia compuesto por el cual se ordena un asiento dentro de una secuencia. En inglés 'encabezamiento primario' sería equivalente a 'main entry' y 'encabezamiento secundario' a 'added entry']main heading [Primer término de un encabezamiento de materia compuesto por el cual se ordena un asiento dentro de una secuencia. En inglés 'encabezamiento primario' sería equivalente a 'main entry' y 'encabezamiento secundario' a 'added entry'] .

Example: The lead term is the term under which the entry files and by which it is therefore sought.

Example: The main heading is the first part of a heading that includes a subheading.

» títulos inicialesopening credits .

Example: There is a brief scene in the opening credits to M*A*S*H in which a group of five nurses are shown running towards the chopper pad.

Inicial synonyms

first in spanish: primero, pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb
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