Iniciado in english


pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪtəd part of speech: verb
In gestures

iniciado = activated. 

Example: The article has the title 'Thermochemically activated oxidation: Mother Nature's book burning'.


» adquisición iniciada por el usuariouser-driven acquisitionpatron-driven acquisition .

Example: Academic libraries in particular are moving to e-books as well as other e-resources and are more and more depending on user-driven acquisitions.

Example: By contrast, patron-driven acquisition allows a library to borrow or buy books only when a patron needs them.

» iniciado por el usuariouser-drivenpatron-driven .

Example: User-driven changes often involve multiple users, working sequentially or in parallel.

Example: Approximately 400 to 600 libraries worldwide have switched to a patron-driven system for purchasing new works, and that number is likely to double over the next year.

» iniciados, losinitiated, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Later this strip is retyped into ordinary language, for in its nascent form it is intelligible only to the initiated.

» no iniciados, losuninitiated, the .

Example: Their effective operation is not immediately obvious to the uninitiated and the cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.

iniciar = initiate ; institute ; start ; inaugurate ; pioneer ; enter ; lead off ; detonate ; usher in ; set on + foot ; put in + train ; set in + train ; set in + motion ; begin ; kick off ; set in + action. 

Example: The scheme was initiated under the auspices of UNISIST with the intention of providing a switching language.Example: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.Example: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.Example: In the beginning staff delivered books to readers in their homes, while in 1972 a mobile library service was inaugurated enabling readers to choose their own materials.Example: Icons, or pictorial representations of objects in systems, were pioneered by Xerox.Example: Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.Example: Laurence Prusak will lead off the guest lectures on Monday, August 20th.Example: There has been an explosion in terminology detonated by developments related to XML (eXtensible Markup Language).Example: Optical technology has ushered in a new phase in the storage and retrieval of information.Example: If such an experiment were set on foot in any part of England its success would be certain.Example: Following that vote, the Government put in train an analysis of the reasons the document was voted down.Example: The slightest disturbance may set in train a process of degradation-as from forest to grassland, or grassland to desert.Example: If someone reports that a member of the staff is drunk while on the job, the supervisor must immediately set in motion the prescribed personnel procedures for verifying the charge, issuing a warning, observing and documenting future performance, and, if necessary, initiating a dismissal action.Example: This section has begun to demonstrate some of the problems associated with the author approach.Example: The article is entitled 'The bucks start here: ALA kicks off library funding campaign'.Example: So he sets a reproducer in action, photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex.


» fuego + iniciarfire + break out .

Example: In 1994 fire broke out in the Central Library building which housed the Norfolk Record Office.

» iniciar abegin tostart to .

Example: When she began to tilt to one side, it became obvious that something was indeed quite wrong.

Example: She had been the perfect dog up until yesterday when she started to pee in the house.

» iniciar el díastart + the day .

Example: If we start the day in a grouchy mood, chances are those sentiments will transition into the workplace as well.

» iniciar el vuelotake to + the sky .

Example: A new flying invention has been unveiled in the US, which could see humans take to the sky.

» iniciar la jornadastart + the day .

Example: If we start the day in a grouchy mood, chances are those sentiments will transition into the workplace as well.

» iniciar las actividadesget + things goingget + things rollingstart + the ball rollingset + the ball rolling .

Example: A lot of work is being done to organise the zones and get things going.

Example: 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.

Example: That was the incident that started the ball rolling and now things have got out of hand.

Example: The moment your alarm goes off, just get up and set the ball rolling!.

» iniciar los trámitesinitiate + an action .

Example: If events take an unfortunate turn and a dismissal action must be initiated, the supervisor must make certain that the applicable personnel rules and procedures have been followed.

» iniciarsecut + Posesivo + spurs [Generalmente un oficio o profesión] .

Example: Lorene, who cut her spurs fighting for equal pay, said she was `absolutely gobsmacked' at having won the award.

» iniciar una caminatahit + the trailbeat + the trail .

Example: Before you hit the trail, make sure you have the right shoes.

Example: There was no train and to get there we had to beat the trail for two days, and it was not all a Sunday promenade.

» iniciar una conversacióninitiate + a conversation .

Example: Those with verbal skills could still have trouble initiating and sustaining conversations outside of their own interests.

» iniciar una cruzada porcrusade for .

Example: There are also dedicated individuals within government who have found a niche from which to crusade for school libraries.

» iniciar una excursiónhit + the trailbeat + the trail .

Example: Before you hit the trail, make sure you have the right shoes.

Example: There was no train and to get there we had to beat the trail for two days, and it was not all a Sunday promenade.

» iniciar una girahit + the roadhit + the trailbeat + the trail .

Example: Before packing up and hitting the road, one thing none of us likes to stop and really think about is how to keep watch over our home while away.

Example: Before you hit the trail, make sure you have the right shoes.

Example: There was no train and to get there we had to beat the trail for two days, and it was not all a Sunday promenade.

» iniciar una investigaciónlaunch + an investigation .

Example: Russia has launched an investigation into why a manned space capsule returned to earth hundreds of miles off course.

» iniciar una negociaciónopen + a discussion .

Example: E. M. d'Hondt, newly-appointed NBLC chairman, urged that discussions be opened with the Ministry of Social and Cultural Services to mitigate the effect of public lending right on library budgets.

» iniciar una nueva vidastart + a (whole) new lifemake + a new life for + Reflexivo .

Example: She went to Paris to start a whole new life, squandering her money irresponsibly while trying to find a husband.

Example: A pretty kettle of fish indeed, out of whom only Tracy is really trying seriously to make a new life for herself.

» iniciar una ofensivalaunch + an offensive .

Example: A spoiling attack in military terms is when one side attacks the other while it is preparing to launch an offensive in hopes that its attack will disrupt and or permanently delay the inevitable.

» iniciar una peleastart up + a fight .

Example: A tanked-up mob forced their way into the football grounds and started up the fight.

» iniciar una polémicainitiate + an argumentstart + an argumentstart + a controversy .

Example: Before you initiate or engage in an argument, consider if this conversation is worth your time, effort, and energy.

Example: Certain topics -- such as religion, politics, healthcare, education, and feminism -- will almost always start an argument and are best avoided in social situations.

Example: Some time ago I wrote a paper that started a controversy that has lasted until the present day.

» iniciar un proyectolaunch + an effortlaunch + a project .

Example: In May 74 a retrospective cataloguing effort was launched; records for 34,000 items are to be converted to machine-readable form.

Example: This article describes a new project entitled Textbooks for Africa (TAP) launched by the Ranfurly Library Service with the support of the British Council (BC) and the Overseas Development Administration.

» que se inicie la contiendalet battle commence .

Example: To start a garden is to let battle commence since there is a list of pests and diseases that will line up to attack your babies.

Iniciado synonyms

initiate in spanish: iniciado, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb experienced in spanish: experimentado, pronunciation: ɪkspɪriənst part of speech: adjective
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