Inhóspito in english


pronunciation: ɪnhɑspətəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

inhóspito = inhospitable. 

Example: As energies became directed to less abstract matters working men began to see libraries as undemocratic and inhospitable institutions.


» paraje inhóspitounforgiving wilderness .

Example: It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.

» terreno inhóspitoinhospitable terrain .

Example: Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.

Inhóspito synonyms

desert in spanish: Desierto, pronunciation: dezɜrt part of speech: noun bleak in spanish: desolado, pronunciation: blik part of speech: adjective bare in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: ber part of speech: adjective waste in spanish: residuos, pronunciation: weɪst part of speech: noun, verb stark in spanish: rígido, pronunciation: stɑrk part of speech: adjective wild in spanish: salvaje, pronunciation: waɪld part of speech: adjective hostile in spanish: hostil, pronunciation: hɑstəl part of speech: adjective desolate in spanish: solitario, pronunciation: desələt part of speech: adjective barren in spanish: estéril, pronunciation: bærən part of speech: adjective godforsaken in spanish: dejado de la mano de dios, pronunciation: gɑdfɜrsəkən part of speech: adjective unfriendly in spanish: hostil, pronunciation: ənfrendli part of speech: adjective windswept in spanish: azotado por el viento, pronunciation: wɪnswept part of speech: adjective uncongenial in spanish: incongruente, pronunciation: ənkɔndʒinjəl part of speech: adjective water-washed in spanish: lavado con agua, pronunciation: wɔtɜrwɑʃt part of speech: adjective
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