Industria in english


pronunciation: ɪndəstri part of speech: noun
In gestures

industria = industry ; industrial organisation. 

Example: Library automation has become a multimillion dollar industry.Example: This article discusses the changing information needs of users in industrial organisations.


» analista de la industriaindustry analyst .

Example: Industry analysts forecast that South Africa will gain favour with international travellers who perceive it to be a 'safe' destination.

» científico de la industriaindustrial scientist .

Example: The information seeking practices of a sample of academic, industrial and government scientists were surveyed by self-administered questionnaires.

» crisis de la industria del librobook crisis .

Example: The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.

» estándar de la industriaindustry standard .

Example: Industry standards are increasingly used in courtrooms as proof that manufacturers comply with nationally accepted rules for the quality of their products.

» industria aeroespacial, laaerospace industry, the .

Example: In the chemical, energy and aerospace industries, it is inevitable that research sponsors will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» industria aeronáutica, laairline industry, theaviation industry, the .

Example: The Internet has changed the economic ground rules of scholarly publishing in a fashion comparable to the deregulation of the airline industry in the USA.

Example: While global economic turmoil continues to undermine air transport, die-hards within the aviation industry are left clutching at straws.

» industria agrícolaagro-industry .

Example: The future of Madagascar is firmly intertwined with agriculture, and particularly with agro-industry.

» industria agrícola, laagricultural industry, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The research has led to recommendations on ways of improving the flow of information among the different sectors of the agricultural industry.

» industria alcoholera, laalcohol industry, the .

Example: This view has helped exonerate the majority of drinkers & the alcohol industry from responsibility.

» industria alimentariafood industry .

Example: Freezing of bread dough is widely applied in food industry.

» industria alimenticiafood industry .

Example: Freezing of bread dough is widely applied in food industry.

» industria artesanalcottage industry .

Example: This article sees a trend away from large conglomerates back to publishing as a cottage industry.

» industria bancaria, labanking industry, the .

Example: Few mutual savings banks exist in the modern economy due to changes in the banking industry that have blurred the lines among depository institutions.

» industria cárnicameat packing industry .

Example: Some critics say today's meat packing industry in America is little better than a century ago.

» industria cárnica, lameat industry, the .

Example: The time is now for the ostrich, emu and rhea meat industry.

» industria cinematográfica, lafilm making industry, thefilm industry, themovie industry, themotion picture industry, the .

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

Example: Hollywood film industry is guilty of cultural supremacism, unable to represent issues of cultural difference, heterogeneity, and regionality.

Example: While much of the economy is teetering between bust and bailout, the movie industry has been startled by a box-office surge that has little precedent in the modern era.

Example: The history of science fiction films parallels that of the motion picture industry as a whole, although it took several decades before the genre was taken seriously.

» industria de actividades al aire libre, laoutdoor industry, the .

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» industria de defensa, ladefence industry, the [defense industry, -USA] .

Example: 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.

» industria dedicada a la producción de carne de vaca, labeef industry, the .

Example: The apparent success of the project suggests it can be used or adapted for other members of the beef industry, having regard for their particular circumstances = El aparente éxito del proyecto sugiere que se puede utilizar o adaptar para otros miembros de la industria dedicada a la produccion de carne de vaca, teniendo en cuenta sus circunstancias particulares.

» industria de extracciónextractive industry .

Example: This article provides a brief overview of the recent developments in Gabon's extractive industries -- mining, oil and forestry, with a special focus on Chinese investments.

» industria de la aeronáutica, laaviation industry, theairline industry, theaeronautics industry, the .

Example: While global economic turmoil continues to undermine air transport, die-hards within the aviation industry are left clutching at straws.

Example: The Internet has changed the economic ground rules of scholarly publishing in a fashion comparable to the deregulation of the airline industry in the USA.

Example: Wind tunnel tests of scale-model humpback whale flippers have revealed that the pachyderm's flipper is a more efficient wing design than is currently used by the aeronautics industry on aeroplanes.

» industria de la aviación, laaviation industry, the .

Example: While global economic turmoil continues to undermine air transport, die-hards within the aviation industry are left clutching at straws.

» industria de la ballena, lawhaling industry, the .

Example: What I sense now is that the whaling industry is in its death throes.

» industria de la bebida, labeverage industry, the .

Example: Bottled water has become a multi-billion dollar business and is now the fastest growing segment of the entire beverage industry.

» industria de la caza de la ballena, lawhaling industry, the .

Example: What I sense now is that the whaling industry is in its death throes.

» industria del acerosteel industry .

Example: The Commission made readaptation grants available to help workers affected by fundamental changes in market conditions in the steel and coal industries.

» industria de la cerveza, labrewing industry, the .

Example: The archive was set up with the aim of preserving the records of Scottish breweries in order to encourage research into the brewing industry in Scotland.

» industria de la comida rápida, lafast-food industry, theready-meal industry, theready-meal industry, the .

Example: Although named after the fast-food industry, Ritzer argues that the McDonaldization process has expanded to a variety of situations and venues, including credit cards, theme parks, and universities.

Example: Given that it is clearly possible to produce healthier ready-meals, more pressure could be placed on the ready-meal industry to improve the nutritional profile of all meals.

Example: Given that it is clearly possible to produce healthier ready-meals, more pressure could be placed on the ready-meal industry to improve the nutritional profile of all meals.

» industria de la confecciónclothing industry .

Example: This article contains information on the textile and clothing industry, abstracted from journals, patents, research reports and trade literature.

» industria de la confección, lagarment industry, the .

Example: These are services that are considered essential in the garment industry.

» industria de la conserva, lacanned goods industry, thetinned goods industry, the .

Example: A spokeswoman for the canned goods industry said the California bill is vague and could lead to unintended consequences.

Example: In a word, the American tinned goods industry -- tinned fruit, meat, fish, and oil -- depends for its prosperity to a considerable extent on the British tinplate industry.

» industria de la construcción, laconstruction industry, thebuilding industry, the .

Example: The article presents the results of trials in which the model was deployed to classify aspects of the construction industry, such as construction norms and regulations.

Example: He soon cut a dash with his liberal but pragmatic solutions to problems besetting the building industry in Sydney.

» industria de la cosmética, lacosmetic industry, the .

Example: Sederma is a worldwide leader in the development of active ingredients for the cosmetic industry.

» industria de la ediciónbook publishing industry .

Example: The author examines the future of the book publishing industry and presents strategies for publishers to decrease risk and increase profit.

» industria de la edición de librosbook publishing industry .

Example: The author examines the future of the book publishing industry and presents strategies for publishers to decrease risk and increase profit.

» industria de la edición impresaprint industry .

Example: Most electronic journals are, of course, based on the products of a flourishing print industry.

» industria de la edición, lapublishing industry, the .

Example: This magazine gives quarterly figures of the UK publishing industry's turnover by book categories, by hardback and paperback and by home and export.

» industria de la elaboración de alimentos, lafood processing industry, the .

Example: Other libraries have special collections on such subjects as animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, food processing industries, agricultural economics and water supply, ranging from 10,000 up to 35,000 items.

» industria de la fabricación de muelles, laspring industry, the .

Example: This article presents and discusses experience with design and use of a hypermedia type training material, SPRING, to be used by new machine setters in the spring industry.

» industria de la hojalata, latinplate industry, the .

Example: In a word, the American tinned goods industry -- tinned fruit, meat, fish, and oil -- depends for its prosperity to a considerable extent on the British tinplate industry.

» industria de la iluminación, lalighting industry, the .

Example: Taiwan used to play a decisive role in the lighting industry, but has lost its shine in the midst of pricing competition against developing countries.

» industria de la imprenta, laprinting industry, the .

Example: The overall development of the printing industry is a good indicator for the development of a country's economy as a whole.

» industria de la información electrónicaelectronic information industry .

Example: The quoted figures are used as a framework for a discussion of the dangers of overvaluing the electronic information industry.

» industria de la información en línea, laonline industry, theonline information industry, the .

Example: The legal information market is one which is both large and virtually untapped by the online industry.

Example: The on-line information industry may be at risk from such moves.

» industria de la información, lainformation industry, the [Término utilizado para referirse al conjunto de empresas que ofrecen empleo a documentalistas. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The report suggests that structural changes within higher education and within the information industry affect the legitimacy, status, and territory of librarians' work.

» industria de la informáticacomputer industry .

Example: The development of the 'micro-computer', built around the silicon chip (an electronic circuit comprising many separate inter-connected components manufactured as a single integrated unit) has revolutionized the computer industry.

» industria de la ingeniería eléctrica, laelectrical engineering industry, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

» industria de la ingeniería química, lachemical engineering industry, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

» industria del alcohol, laalcohol industry, the .

Example: This view has helped exonerate the majority of drinkers & the alcohol industry from responsibility.

» industria del aluminio, laaluminium industry, the .

Example: All this will definitely have a rub-off effect on the aluminium industry which will benefit because of the pick-up in the global economy.

» industria de la madera, latimber industry, thelumber industry, thelumber trade, thetimber trade, the .

Example: The author discusses historico-geographical approaches to studying New Zealand's frozen meat and timber industries.

Example: The heart of the dispute is the claim that the Canadian lumber industry is unfairly subsidized by the federal and provincial governments.

Example: The softwood lumber trade dispute between the US and Canada is the largest and longest lasting dispute between the two countries.

Example: Countries with lots of forest stand to benefit from the lucrative timber trade, but at what cost to their ecological footprint?.

» industria de la moda, lafashion industry, the .

Example: The writer discusses the fashion industry's obsession with skinny models.

» industria de la prensa, lanewspaper industry, the .

Example: This job fair is open to all students interested in working in the newspaper industry.

» industria de la preparación de alimentos, lafood processing industry, the .

Example: Other libraries have special collections on such subjects as animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, food processing industries, agricultural economics and water supply, ranging from 10,000 up to 35,000 items.

» industria de la propiedadproperty industry .

Example: The author identifies the major components of the property industry around most of which information departments have developed.

» industria de la propiedad intelectualintellectual property industry .

Example: New markets for transactions of digital copyright material put copyright management at risk to the potential detriment of the 'intellectual property industry'.

» industria de la publicidad, lapublicity industry, theadvertising industry, the .

Example: Working in the publicity industry has definitely made me a believer of the old cliché 'Good things come to those who wait'.

Example: The advertising industry is complex, and many different types of skills are required to create a successful ad campaign.

» industria de la radio y televisión, labroadcasting industry, the .

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

» industria de las bases de datosdatabase industry .

Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.

» industria de las comunicacionescommunications industry .

Example: A brief description is given of the existing communications industry, emphasising its regional rather than national structure = Se presenta una breve descripción de la actual industria de las comunicaciones, prestándole más atención a su estructura regional que a la nacional.

» industria de las exposiciones comercialestrade show industry .

Example: They are warning municipalities to be leery of building new convention halls because of recent and projected reductions in the nation's trade show industry.

» industria de las ferias de muestrastrade show industry .

Example: They are warning municipalities to be leery of building new convention halls because of recent and projected reductions in the nation's trade show industry.

» industria de las finanzas, lafinance industry, the .

Example: The finance industry encompasses a broad range of organizations that deal with the management of money.

» industria de las noticias, lanews industry, the .

Example: In this course, students are introduced to three tools of multimedia journalism that have also been historically central to the news industry: writing, photography, and design.

» industria de las publicaciones periódicas, laserial industry, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The book and serial industry has recently witnessed several takeovers, buy-outs, and mergers.

» industria de las publicaciones seriadas, laserials industry, the .

Example: A panel of experts representing the various sectors of the serials industry -- librarians, publishers, and subscription agents -- gave participants the chance to answer a number of burning questions.

» industria de las telecomunicaciones, latelecommunications industry, the .

Example: The rate of growth of the telecommunications industry in the countries of the Pacific Basin has also been phenomenal.

» industria del automóvil, laautomotive industry, theautomobile industry, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]motor trade, themotor industry, thecar industry, theauto industry, the .

Example: This article examines the inter-organizational impact that electronic data interchange (EDI) has had on the Australian automotive industry.

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

Example: Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.

Example: In the present climate of national reconstruction the Ministry of motor industry was one of the first to focus on questions of economics.

Example: Remote diagnostics mean substantial cost savings for the car industry and more peace of mind for car owners.

Example: The auto industry keeps expanding and diversifying in every conceivable way.

» industria de la visión, lavision industry, the .

Example: Your jaw will drop as this researcher blows the lid off why the vision industry never wants you to lose your glasses.

» industria del carbón, lacoal industry, the .

Example: The Commission made readaptation grants available to help workers affected by fundamental changes in market conditions in the steel and coal industries.

» industria del catering, lacatering industry, the .

Example: There is evidence that the catering industry has high levels of work-related injury and disease.

» industria del CD-ROMCD-ROM industry .

Example: Libraries and public and private information centres are a primary market targetted by the rapidly evolving CD-ROM industry.

» industria del cerdo, lapig farming .

Example: One commercial application that is gaining favour in pig farming is the electronic sow feeder.

» industria del cine, lafilm making industry, thefilm industry, themovie industry, themotion picture industry, the .

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

Example: Hollywood film industry is guilty of cultural supremacism, unable to represent issues of cultural difference, heterogeneity, and regionality.

Example: While much of the economy is teetering between bust and bailout, the movie industry has been startled by a box-office surge that has little precedent in the modern era.

Example: The history of science fiction films parallels that of the motion picture industry as a whole, although it took several decades before the genre was taken seriously.

» industria del cueroleather industry .

Example: On page 10, paragraph 6, of the scheme you can find a statement of the UDC filing order exemplified by class 675 leather industry.

» industria del espectáculo, lashow business .

Example: Ponies have been used for riding, transport, work on crofts and in coal mines, domestic service, and in show business.

» industria del ganado lanarsheep farming .

Example: His dream is to leave the USA, in favor of sheep farming in Australia.

» industria del gasgas industry .

Example: Selective dissemination of information amongst the employees of the petroleum and gas industries is carried out with the help of the automated system ES-1022.

» industria del librobook industry .

Example: The book industry in this country is becoming increasingly commercialized, with an attendant lowering of critical standards.

» industria del libro, labookmaking industry, the .

Example: To date, the UK bookmaking industry has been largely untouched by information technology.

» industria del motor, lamotor industry, themotor trade, the .

Example: In the present climate of national reconstruction the Ministry of motor industry was one of the first to focus on questions of economics.

Example: Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.

» industria del ocio, laentertainment industry, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]leisure industry, the .

Example: BASELINE is a collection of online databases devoted to the entertainment industry, particularly film and television.

Example: Whilst restaurants and pubs continue to dominate spending in the leisure industry, new research reveals that it is music festival and concert sales that have been the headline act over the past five years.

» industria de los alimentosfood industry .

Example: Freezing of bread dough is widely applied in food industry.

» industria de los medios de comunicación de masasmass communications industry .

Example: The language and contents of the mass communications industry could degrade rationalism and thus jeopardize the production of scientific knowledge.

» industria de los productos lácteos, ladairy industry, the .

Example: The dairy industry is a very classic case of how we've managed liberalisation to our own detriment since imported milk is no longer cheap.

» industria de los videojuegos, lavideo gaming industry, thevideo gaming industry, the .

Example: The video gaming industry has grown into a global powerhouse that earned an estimated $40B in revenues in 2007.

Example: The video gaming industry has grown into a global powerhouse that earned an estimated $40B in revenues in 2007.

» industria del pan, labaking industry, the .

Example: Rohwedder, a jeweler by profession, was sure that sliced bread would be a success that would change the baking industry for the better.

» industria del papelpaper industry .

Example: During the same period an English white paper industry was developed which supplied an increasing proportion of the paper used by English printers, even though the finest qualities had still to be imported from abroad.

» industria del periódico, lanewspaper industry, the .

Example: This job fair is open to all students interested in working in the newspaper industry.

» industria del petróleopetroleum industry .

Example: Selective dissemination of information amongst the employees of the petroleum and gas industries is carried out with the help of the automated system ES-1022.

» industria del sector turístico, latourism industry, the .

Example: This aims to commemorate and promote the history of slavery and integrate this history into the tourism industry.

» industria del sexo, lasex industry, the .

Example: Often mistakenly assumed to be part of the sex industry, geishas focus on providing entertainment around the dinner table.

» industria del software, lasoftware industry, the .

Example: This case is important because it demonstrates the high stakes inherent in the software industry.

» industria del tabaco, latobacco industry, the .

Example: 'Boy, have you been brainwashed! You've been taken in by the tobacco industry', she said = Ella dijo: "¡Chico, te han lavado el cerebro! la industrial del tabaco te ha timado".

» industria del transporte aéreo, laair cargo industry, the .

Example: By promoting the adoption and use of those standards by the air cargo industry, a very high degree of safety has been achieved in dangerous goods transport.

» industria del turismo, latourism industry, the .

Example: This aims to commemorate and promote the history of slavery and integrate this history into the tourism industry.

» industria del vestirclothing industry .

Example: This article contains information on the textile and clothing industry, abstracted from journals, patents, research reports and trade literature.

» industria de productos cárnicosmeat packing industry .

Example: Some critics say today's meat packing industry in America is little better than a century ago.

» industria de serviciosservice industry .

Example: Its wide range of activities includes consumer goods, industrial products, animal feeds, tropical plantations and various service industries.

» industria de servicios financieros, lafinancial services industry, the .

Example: It is worth noting that far more people are employed in the banking sector than any other part of the financial services industry.

» industria discográfica, larecord production industry, themusic industry, therecord industry, therecording industry, themusic business, the .

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

Example: Fact is, in 2006, the record industry is doubling over backwards in its attempt to remedy its decision a decade ago to ignore the onset of the web.

Example: And it is those temptations that have placed college students squarely in the crosshairs of the recording industry.

Example: Apple now controls the largest share of the music business.

» industria discográfica, larecord production industry, themusic industry, therecord industry, therecording industry, themusic business, the .

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

Example: Fact is, in 2006, the record industry is doubling over backwards in its attempt to remedy its decision a decade ago to ignore the onset of the web.

Example: And it is those temptations that have placed college students squarely in the crosshairs of the recording industry.

Example: Apple now controls the largest share of the music business.

» industria discográfica, larecord production industry, themusic industry, therecord industry, therecording industry, themusic business, the .

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

Example: Fact is, in 2006, the record industry is doubling over backwards in its attempt to remedy its decision a decade ago to ignore the onset of the web.

Example: And it is those temptations that have placed college students squarely in the crosshairs of the recording industry.

Example: Apple now controls the largest share of the music business.

» industria editorialbook industry .

Example: The book industry in this country is becoming increasingly commercialized, with an attendant lowering of critical standards.

» industria editorial, lapublishing industry, the .

Example: This magazine gives quarterly figures of the UK publishing industry's turnover by book categories, by hardback and paperback and by home and export.

» industria energéticaenergy industryenergy company .

Example: In the chemical, energy and aerospace industries, it is inevitable that research sponsors will wish to keep the results to themselves.

Example: The writer discusses the collapse of Enron, the huge energy company that went bankrupt, destroying both the jobs and the life savings of thousands of employees.

» industria energética, laenergy utility business, the .

Example: Deregulation compelled the energy utility business to restructure its inwardly directed culture and its overgrown and rivalrous internal services function.

» industria farmacéutica, lapharmaceutical industry, the .

Example: There is a new trend in the pharmaceutical industry towards the use of pharmacogenetics techniques for new drug development.

» industria financiera, lafinance industry, the .

Example: The finance industry encompasses a broad range of organizations that deal with the management of money.

» industria hotelera, lahotel industry, the .

Example: Travel agents constitute a large and relatively inexpensive labour force for the hotel industry.

» industria inmobiliaria, lareal estate industry, the .

Example: The fortunes of the real estate industry seem to be turning for the better.

» industria láctea, ladairy industry, the .

Example: The dairy industry is a very classic case of how we've managed liberalisation to our own detriment since imported milk is no longer cheap.

» industria del motor, lamotor industry, themotor trade, the .

Example: In the present climate of national reconstruction the Ministry of motor industry was one of the first to focus on questions of economics.

Example: Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.

» industria ligeralight industry .

Example: While this city does have some light industry of its own - mostly metal, lumber, and paper products - its unhurried atmosphere and quiet shady streets camouflage all signs of mercantile activity.

» industria maderera, latimber industry, thelumber trade, thelumber industry, thetimber trade, the .

Example: The author discusses historico-geographical approaches to studying New Zealand's frozen meat and timber industries.

Example: The softwood lumber trade dispute between the US and Canada is the largest and longest lasting dispute between the two countries.

Example: The heart of the dispute is the claim that the Canadian lumber industry is unfairly subsidized by the federal and provincial governments.

Example: Countries with lots of forest stand to benefit from the lucrative timber trade, but at what cost to their ecological footprint?.

» industria manufactureramanufacturing industry .

Example: In applications, in the office, in manufacturing industries, in commerce, the new technology is on trial.

» industria marina, lamarine industry, the .

Example: They supply capstans and winches powered by electric motors to the industrial marine industry and shipyards.

» industria marítima, lamaritime industry, the .

Example: The author discusses identifies the information needs and problems of the maritime industry using its tanker chartering section as an example.

» industria metalúrgica, lametallurgical industry, the .

Example: A thermochemical data bank has been established that can be used interactively to solve problems in the chemical and metallurgical industries.

» industria multimedia, lamedia industry, the .

Example: The whole media industry exploits the senses and entices the imagination with an unreal world.

» industria naval, lashipping industry, the .

Example: As a result of the study, the ultimate objective was refined to make available to the shipping industry an approach to the development of an integrated management information system = Como resultado del estudio, se especificó aún más el objetivo últimó para poner a disposición de la industria naval un método para el desarrollo de un sistema integrado de información para la gestión.

» industria navierashipbuilding industry .

Example: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

» industria naviera, lashipping industry, the .

Example: As a result of the study, the ultimate objective was refined to make available to the shipping industry an approach to the development of an integrated management information system = Como resultado del estudio, se especificó aún más el objetivo últimó para poner a disposición de la industria naval un método para el desarrollo de un sistema integrado de información para la gestión.

» industria nuclear, lanuclear industry, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Newspapers took advantage of the accident to attack or 'bash' the nuclear industry or nuclear power in general.

» industria papelerapaper industry .

Example: During the same period an English white paper industry was developed which supplied an increasing proportion of the paper used by English printers, even though the finest qualities had still to be imported from abroad.

» industria pesadaheavy industry .

Example: This article describes the problems and successes experienced by the Central Library of the Miskolc Technical University for heavy industry, Hungary, in extending their sources of acquisitions.

» industria pesquera, lafishing industry, the [Generalmente usado con el artículo]fishery industry, the .

Example: This article gives an overview of the state of culture in a time of acute economic crisis in the Faroe Islands occasioned by the disappearance of the cod fishing industry.

Example: Fish meals and shellfish meals are manufactured as by-products from the waste or inedible parts of fish and shellfish found in our fishery industries.

» industria petroquímicapetrochemical industry .

Example: This article studies the information needs 80 specialists in the field of technology of piston driven compressors in petrochemical and gas industries.

» industria publicitaria, laadvertising industry, thepublicity industry, the .

Example: The advertising industry is complex, and many different types of skills are required to create a successful ad campaign.

Example: Working in the publicity industry has definitely made me a believer of the old cliché 'Good things come to those who wait'.

» industria químicachemical industry .

Example: In the chemical, energy and aerospace industries, it is inevitable that research sponsors will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» industria química, lachemical industry, the .

Example: A thermochemical data bank has been established that can be used interactively to solve problems in the chemical and metallurgical industries.

» industrias creativas, lascreative industries, the .

Example: The report stresses that there is 'a correlation between the growth of creative industries and legislation that protects intellectual property'.

» industrias culturales, lascultural industries, the .

Example: Slowly but surely, piracy is suffocating Europe's cultural industries.

» industria siderometalúrgica, lairon and steel industry, the .

Example: This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.

» industria siderúrgicairon and steel industry, theiron and steel industry, the .

Example: This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.

Example: This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.

» industria siderúrgica, lairon and steel industry, the .

Example: This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.

» industrias que dependen de los recursos humanospersonnel based industries .

Example: The projections of qualified manpower into the year 2000 are bleak for personnel based industries.

» industria textiltextile industry .

Example: In the 1920s and 30s factory libraries grew up in all types of industries, particularly textile industries, but their size and quality varied.

» industria turística, latourist industry, thetourism industry, the .

Example: The article 'Sea, sand and surf: the effects of tourism on Newquay library' describes the ways in which the social and economic consequences of a town heavily dependent on the tourist industry shape the services of Newquay Public Library, Cornwall.

Example: This aims to commemorate and promote the history of slavery and integrate this history into the tourism industry.

» la industria de la informáticacomputer industry .

Example: The development of the 'micro-computer', built around the silicon chip (an electronic circuit comprising many separate inter-connected components manufactured as a single integrated unit) has revolutionized the computer industry.

» Ministerio de Comercio e IndustriaDepartment of Trade and Industry .

Example: The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.

» norma de la industriaindustry standard .

Example: Industry standards are increasingly used in courtrooms as proof that manufacturers comply with nationally accepted rules for the quality of their products.

» para toda la industriaindustry-wide .

Example: The project set as its primary goal the development of an industry-wide standard for the preparation of electronic manuscripts.

» período de prácticas en la industriaindustrial placement .

Example: Another common trend is to include an industrial placement of a significant duration (3-6 months, even 1 year) in the last but one year of studies = Otra tendencia frecuente es incluir un período de prácticas en la industria durante un período significativo (de 3 a 6 meses, incluso un año) en el penúltimo año de estudios.

» planta de industria cárnicameat plant .

Example: Farmers are expected to lift the blockades later today on the remaining meat plants as the rest of the food processing industry returns to normal following the dispute which began last Tuesday week.

» sector de la industria farmacéutica, elpharmaceutical sector, the .

Example: This is a contribution to a special section devoted to records management in the pharmaceuticals sector.

» sector de la industria pesquera, elfish industry sector, thefishery industry sector, the .

Example: Employment in the various fish industry sectors is widely scattered throughout the region.

Example: Laboratory services must provide test methods that cover all aspect of the fishery industry sector needs in order to ensure a seamless integrated service.

» trabajador de la industriaindustrial workerindustry worker .

Example: However, even as late as 1939, male industrial workers, skilled and unskilled, made up only 5% of the library cardholders in an ordinary sized town.

Example: In May 1926 Britains' miners walked out and in a move of solidarity other industry workers joined them, creating the first ever general strike in Britain.

Industria synonyms

diligence in spanish: diligencia, pronunciation: dɪlədʒəns part of speech: noun manufacture in spanish: fabricar, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜr part of speech: noun manufacturing in spanish: fabricación, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun industriousness in spanish: laboriosidad, pronunciation: ɪndʌstriəsnəs part of speech: noun
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