Incomprensible in english


pronunciation: ɪŋkɑmprəhensɪbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

incomprensible = incomprehensible ; unfathomable ; garbled ; unaccountable. 

Example: An ugly voice, one that is monotonous or grating, weak in power, incomprehensible or strained, is never likely to receive and retain anyone's attention for long.Example: Then, of course, there are those who always ask because that's easier than looking up anything in that unfathomable catalog.Example: The client phoned in the afternoon to tell me that there was garbled data again in the large text field they use for notes.Example: You read him to the end with a ravenous appetite and rise from the feast with an unaccountable sense of emptiness.


» hacer incomprensiblerender + Nombre + incomprehensiblegarble .

Example: The dangers of abbreviations rendering material totally incomprehensible and indecipherable are most clearly to be seen in the matter of periodical titles.

Example: This software provides full text search for text corpora that may be garbled by OCR or transmission errors, and that may contain languages other than English = Este programa ofrece búsqueda en texto completo de corpus lingüísticos que puedan hacerse indescifrable por errores del OCR o de transmisión y que puedan contener otras lenguas diferentes al inglés.

» incomprensible, loincomprehensible, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Without language we would go bumping around in the dark and eventually take leave of our senses under the welter of the incomprehensible, withdrawing, as some people do, into a closed world in order to protect ourselves against the unbearable onslaught.

» lenguaje tecnológico incomprensibletechno-babble .

Example: In summary, when we get beyond all the pomposity and techno-babble that dominates discourse on our topic, we can see real problems and real issues.

» volver incomprensiblerender + Nombre + incomprehensible .

Example: The dangers of abbreviations rendering material totally incomprehensible and indecipherable are most clearly to be seen in the matter of periodical titles.

Incomprensible synonyms

obscure in spanish: oscuro, pronunciation: əbskjʊr part of speech: adjective, verb dark in spanish: oscuro, pronunciation: dɑrk part of speech: adjective opaque in spanish: opaco, pronunciation: oʊpeɪk part of speech: adjective deep in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: dip part of speech: adjective lost in spanish: perdió, pronunciation: lɔst part of speech: noun, adjective enigmatic in spanish: enigmático, pronunciation: enɪgmætɪk part of speech: adjective inscrutable in spanish: inescrutable, pronunciation: ɪnskrutəbəl part of speech: adjective cryptic in spanish: críptico, pronunciation: krɪptɪk part of speech: adjective mysterious in spanish: misterioso, pronunciation: mɪstɪriəs part of speech: adjective inexplicable in spanish: inexplicable, pronunciation: ɪnəksplɪsəbəl part of speech: adjective paradoxical in spanish: paradójico, pronunciation: perədɑksɪkəl part of speech: adjective impenetrable in spanish: impenetrable, pronunciation: ɪmpenətrəbəl part of speech: adjective unintelligible in spanish: ininteligible, pronunciation: ənɪntelədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective missed in spanish: perdido, pronunciation: mɪst part of speech: adjective puzzling in spanish: misterioso, pronunciation: pʌzəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective indecipherable in spanish: indescifrable, pronunciation: ɪndɪsɪfɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective unaccountable in spanish: inexplicable, pronunciation: ənəkaʊntəbəl part of speech: adjective mystifying in spanish: desconcertante, pronunciation: mɪstəfaɪɪŋ part of speech: adjective unexplained in spanish: inexplicable, pronunciation: ənɪkspleɪnd part of speech: adjective unexplainable in spanish: inexplicable, pronunciation: ənɪkspleɪnəbəl part of speech: adjective cryptical in spanish: críptico, pronunciation: krɪptɪkəl part of speech: adjective enigmatical in spanish: enigmático, pronunciation: enəgmætɪkəl part of speech: adjective self-contradictory in spanish: autocontradictorio, pronunciation: selfkəntrædɪktɔri part of speech: adjective uncomprehensible in spanish: incomprensible, pronunciation: ənmɑmprɪhensəbəl part of speech: adjective
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