Imbornal in english


pronunciation: skʌpɜr part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

imbornal = storm drain. 

Example: Sump pumps send water away from a house to any place where it is no longer problematic, such as a municipal storm drain or a dry well.

Imbornal synonyms

expose in spanish: exponer, pronunciation: ɪkspoʊz part of speech: verb waylay in spanish: acechar, pronunciation: weɪleɪ part of speech: verb queer in spanish: raro, pronunciation: kwɪr part of speech: adjective, noun peril in spanish: peligro, pronunciation: perəl part of speech: noun lurk in spanish: estar al acecho, pronunciation: lɜrk part of speech: verb ambush in spanish: emboscada, pronunciation: æmbʊʃ part of speech: noun endanger in spanish: poner en peligro, pronunciation: endeɪndʒɜr part of speech: verb ambuscade in spanish: emboscada, pronunciation: æmbəskeɪd part of speech: noun bushwhack in spanish: bushwhack, pronunciation: bʊʃwæk part of speech: verb lie in wait in spanish: acechar, pronunciation: laɪɪnweɪt part of speech: verb
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