Iguana in english


pronunciation: aɪgwɑnə part of speech: noun
In gestures

iguana = iguana. 

Example: Like other reptiles, iguanas are cold-blooded, egg-laying animals with an excellent ability to adapt to their environment.


» hasta mañana, iguanasee you later alligator (...after/for/in a while crocodile) [Forma coloquial de despedirse, a lo que se suele responder after/for/in a while crocodile]see you tomorrowsee you soon, raccoon .

Example: When I was a kid, my grandfather used to say to my brother and I when we left his house 'See you later, alligator' and we would say 'After awhile, crocodile!' .

Example: When the look of the sky informed us that it was getting along toward suppertime, we climbed down and said 'So long' and 'See you tomorrow,' and went our separate ways in the dusk.

Example: I have to go to work now but will see you soon, raccoon.

Iguana synonyms

common iguana in spanish: iguana común, pronunciation: kɑmənaɪgwɑnə part of speech: noun iguana iguana in spanish: iguana iguana, pronunciation: aɪgwɑnəaɪgwɑnə part of speech: noun
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