Ignominiosamente in english


pronunciation: ɪgnəmɪnjəsli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

ignominiosamente = ignominiously. 

Example: His final fight ended ignominiously, with him on the losing end of an eighth-round technical knockout.

Ignominiosamente synonyms

discreditably in spanish: discretamente, pronunciation: dɪskredətəbli part of speech: adverb dishonorably in spanish: deshonrablemente, pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜrəbli part of speech: adverb disgracefully in spanish: desgraciadamente, pronunciation: dɪsgreɪsfəli part of speech: adverb shamefully in spanish: vergonzosamente, pronunciation: ʃeɪmfəli part of speech: adverb ingloriously in spanish: sin gloria, pronunciation: ɪŋglɔriəsli part of speech: adverb dishonourably in spanish: deshonrablemente, pronunciation: dɪʃɑnɜrəbli part of speech: adverb
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