Identificador in english


pronunciation: aɪdentəfaɪɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

identificador = identifier ; label ; label ; ID (identification). 

Example: The identifier for each set of cataloguing rules or standard is preceded by a semi-colon.Example: There are a number of types of abstracts or labels that can be applied to abstracts.Example: Enter your search term preceded by the label and a colon; for example, 'ti:veterinary medicine' searches titles (ti) for 'veterinary' adjacent to 'medicine'.Example: To make the product more closely resemble a CD-ROM service; IDs for 10 simultaneous users were obtained for a flat fee.


» asignación de identificadorestagging .

Example: This article covers all the options from electronic markup or 'tagging' of the manuscript to desktop publishing and laser printing or image setting.

» etiqueta identificadora del librolabel [En circulación, etiqueta identificadora del libro usada en el préstamo] .

Example: Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.

» formato de presentación con identificadoreslabelled format [Presentación de un registro con las abreviaturas correspondientes a cada campo al principio de cada campo] .

Example: Recent studies recognize the importance of display format design and appear to indicate that tabular or labelled formats are preferred to traditional or narrative layouts by the user.

» identificador de campofield label [Término que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "autor" o "au"] .

Example: To search a limit field use 'in' or '=' with field label, e.g. FIND: french in la; FIND: da=1979.

» identificador de campo abreviadoshort field label [Término abreviado que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "au" para indicar "autor"] .

Example: The two- to four-letter abbreviations on the left side of the screen are the short field lables - the abbreviated field names.

» identificador de campo desarrolladolong field label [Término completo que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "autor"] .

Example: If your system administrator has set the Show options to display long field labels, you will se the full field names rather than the abbreviations.

» identificador del documentodocument identifier [Nombre utilizado como descriptor] .

Example: An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number.

» identificador de materiasubject label [En clasificación, encabezamiento, notación u otro símbolo usado como representativo del contenido de un documento] .

Example: Added entries may have subject labels, authors' names or titles as headings.

» Identificador de Objeto Digital (DOI)DOI (Digital Object Identifier) [En Internet, número de identificación de todo elemento digital, equivalente al ISBN o ISSN] .

Example: The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique identifier (similar to an ISBN or ISSN), which will allow access to electronic documents -- even when their URL changes.

» identificador de registrorecord identifier .

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» identificador de subcamposubfield identifier [Uno o más caracteres que precede e identifica un subcampo] .

Example: The subfield identifier consists of one or more characters immediately preceding and identifying a subfield.

» identificador de usuariouser ID .

Example: Vendors usually control access through some combination of Internet Protocol (IP) address and user ID and password.

» señal identificadoratell-tale sign .

Example: The tell-tale signs that mark a KWOC index include in a KWOC index all of the words that appear as headings have been extracted from titles.

» URI (Identificador Universal de Recursos)URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) .

Example: This article discusses the history and purposes of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) as well as the role identifiers will play in the deployment of online serials.
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