Iceberg in english


pronunciation: aɪsbɜrg part of speech: noun
In gestures

iceberg = iceberg ; berg. 

Example: In other words, the elements of any single case may point to several concepts; in this sense, the cases are like icebergs -- more is hidden han appears on the surface.Example: Every year the Atlantic coast is bombarded from the frozen north with thousands of bergs, great and small.


» lechuga icebergiceberg lettuce .

Example: What iceberg lettuce may lack in overt flavor, it makes up for in its texture and crunchiness.

» punta del iceberg, latip of the iceberg, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The queries that are actually broadcast or printed are merely, the tip of the iceberg.

Iceberg synonyms

berg in spanish: iceberg, pronunciation: bɜrg part of speech: noun
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