Hábitat in english


pronunciation: hæbətæt part of speech: noun
In gestures

hábitat = habitat. 

Example: The academic library is the natural habitat of the absent-minded professor.


» hábitat costerocoastal habitat .

Example: Dogfishes and catsharks can be difficult to differentiate since both are smallish elasmobranchs sharing a similar 'sharky' shape and living together in coastal habitats.

» hábitat marinomarine habitat .

Example: Eurasian wigeons prefer coastal wetlands, bays, freshwater and brackish lagoons and other sheltered marine habitats.

» hábitat naturalnatural habitatwildlife habitat .

Example: And the academic library is the natural habitat of the absent-minded professor.

Example: There are some limitations, however, including a neglect of issues such as water shortages, urban sprawl, noise and light pollution, and diminishing wildlife habitat.
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