Hereditario in english


pronunciation: hɜredəteri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

hereditario = hereditary. 

Example: These tendencies were evident in speculation about the causes of conditions such as paresis & 'hereditary' mental disorders.


» condición hereditariahereditary condition .

Example: Some identified risk factors that increase the chances of developing duodenum cancer are: diabetes and obesity, smoking, exposure to chemicals, genetic abnormalities and hereditary conditions, and duodenal ulcer.

» defecto hereditariobirth defecthereditary defect .

Example: DEFORMITIES-GENETIC ASPECTS is an aspect of birth defects, and that has not yet become a standard LC heading.

Example: If the embryo contains any hereditary defects, the parents may be advised for abortion.

» enfermedad hereditariahereditary disease .

Example: Examples of hereditary disease consists of sickle cell anemia, cancer of the breast, as well as diabetes and hypertension can also be in that category.

» par hereditariohereditary peer .

Example: Hereditary peers inherit their title and consists of five ranks: Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and Baron.

Hereditario synonyms

genetic in spanish: genético, pronunciation: dʒənetɪk part of speech: adjective familial in spanish: familiar, pronunciation: fəmɪljəl part of speech: adjective inherited in spanish: heredado, pronunciation: ɪnherətɪd part of speech: adjective ancestral in spanish: ancestral, pronunciation: ænsestrəl part of speech: adjective heritable in spanish: heredable, pronunciation: herətəbəl part of speech: adjective patrimonial in spanish: patrimonial, pronunciation: pætrəmoʊnjəl part of speech: adjective transmitted in spanish: transmitido, pronunciation: trænsmɪtɪd part of speech: adjective transmissible in spanish: transmisible, pronunciation: trænzmɪsəbəl part of speech: adjective inheritable in spanish: heredable, pronunciation: ɪnherətəbəl part of speech: adjective transmissiblel in spanish: transmisibilidad, pronunciation: trænsmɪsəbləl
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