Heredero in english


pronunciation: ɪnherətɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

herederos = surviving family. 

Example: Robert Watt was thoroughly bitten by the bibliography bug and although he bequeathed an important piece of work to posterity, he and his surviving family can hardly be said to have enjoyed good fortune from it.

heredero = heir [heiress, -fem.] ; inheritor ; heir apparent [heiress apparent]. 

Example: It is undeniable that the ripest crop of unrecognised great inventors, long-lost heirs to dormant peerages, and assorted harmless drudges is to be gathered in the great general libraries of our major cities.Example: It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.Example: The new heir apparent is probably a man of a very different stamp.


» herederossurviving family .

Example: Robert Watt was thoroughly bitten by the bibliography bug and although he bequeathed an important piece of work to posterity, he and his surviving family can hardly be said to have enjoyed good fortune from it.

» presunto herederoheir presumptive [heiress presumptive] .

Example: The son being male, even if born later, would take precedence in the order of succession, displacing the one who was previously the heir-presumptive.

» primer herederoheir apparent [heiress apparent] .

Example: The new heir apparent is probably a man of a very different stamp.

» príncipe herederocrown prince .

Example: This is a superb translation of the memoirs of the wife of Sado, the crown prince of Korea, who was driven mad and became a serial killer.

Heredero synonyms

heir in spanish: heredero, pronunciation: er part of speech: noun heritor in spanish: heredero, pronunciation: herɪtɜr part of speech: noun
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