Heder in english


pronunciation: stɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

heder (a) = reek (of). 

Example: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.

Heder synonyms

reek in spanish: hedor, pronunciation: rik part of speech: noun, verb stench in spanish: hedor, pronunciation: stentʃ part of speech: noun fetor in spanish: fetor, pronunciation: fitɜr part of speech: noun malodor in spanish: mal olor, pronunciation: mælədɜr part of speech: noun foetor in spanish: foetor, pronunciation: foʊtɜr part of speech: noun malodour in spanish: mal olor, pronunciation: mælədɔr part of speech: noun
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