Hacedor in english


pronunciation: meɪkɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures



» hacedor de lluviasrainmaker .

Example: Rather than rainmakers, the electorate increasingly views politicians as scapegoats for economic consequences.

» hacedor de milagrosmiracle worker .

Example: 'I'm not a miracle worker,' Obama declared, after saying he's not 'content' when workers are out of jobs = "No soy un obrador de milagros," declaró Obama, después de decir que no estaba contento cuando los trabajadores están en paro.

Hacedor synonyms

manufacturer in spanish: fabricante, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜrɜr part of speech: noun shaper in spanish: moldeador, pronunciation: ʃeɪpɜr part of speech: noun manufacturing business in spanish: negocio de manufactura, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜrɪŋbɪznəs part of speech: noun
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