Grabado in english


pronunciation: rəkɔrdəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

grabado1 = art reproduction ; engraving ; print ; etching. 

Example: An art reproduction is a mechanically reproduced copy of a work of art, generally as one of a commercial edition.Example: An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.Example: Engelmann's technique used only three colour stones (red, yellow, and blue) to make a full-colour print.Example: An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.


» grabado a la cerawax etching .

Example: Others, especially those of Ukrainian heritage, use a series of tinted dyes and wax etchings to create stunning works of art.

» grabado al ácidoetching [Reproducción obtenida por estampación de una plancha o matriz sobre la que se ha grabado una imagen por medio de un procedimiento químico] .

Example: An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.

» grabado a la punta secadrypoint [En imprenta, método usado a finales del siglo quince para gravar planchas de impresión utilizando un buril y un martillo] .

Example: Drypoint was another method of engraving printing plates in the fifteenth century according to which the design was sketched directly on to the plate with a steel point, the burr being left alone.

» grabado de cristalglass etching .

Example: Traditionally, glass etching has been done using acid etching or sandblasting, both of which are abrasive processes with some significant drawbacks.

» grabado de modafashion plate .

Example: Historical evidence includes portrait paintings, fashion plates and magazines, photographs, literary sources, pattern books, and trade catalogues.

» grabado en cerawax etching .

Example: Others, especially those of Ukrainian heritage, use a series of tinted dyes and wax etchings to create stunning works of art.

» grabado en cristalglass etching .

Example: Traditionally, glass etching has been done using acid etching or sandblasting, both of which are abrasive processes with some significant drawbacks.

» prensa para grabados en cobrecopperplate press .

Example: The principle of the cylinder platen was hardly a new one even then -- the rolling pin is an ancient device, and the copperplate press used two cylinders working together.

grabado2 = recorded. 

Example: The reform process that forces a growing number of women out of the recorded labor force into casual, unremunerated, & informal work.


» algo grabado en piedratablet of stone .

Example: While the operating instructions must be regarded as authoritative, they should not be seen as sacrosanct tablets of stone.

» bloque de madera grabadablock .

Example: A special form of woodcut initial, common from the mid sixteenth to the mid eighteenth century, was the factotum, a square ornamental block with a hole through the middle into which a piece of type could be wedged, one block thus serving for any initial letter.

» equipo para escuchar visitas grabadasaudio tour unit .

Example: Library users are introduced to the specifics and vagaries of each library in a variety of ways and instructional levels: signs, library guides, tape/slide shows, video display units, and audio tour units.

» grabado de antemanopre-recorded .

Example: Reveille should also be played live by a bugler or prerecorded.

» grabado en cintatape-recordedaudio-taped .

Example: The study is based upon primary sources consisting of tape recorded interviews with 10 people.

Example: Audio-taped stories can lead children to books, help them to listen better, extend their attention spans and enhance their imaginations.

» grabado en maderawoodcut [Impresión o estampa hecha mediante moldes de madera grabada]wood engraving .

Example: A chapbook is a small book, without covers, containing about eight or twelve pages of popular matter or songs, with usually a woodcut on the title page.

Example: Despite the incompetence of most eighteenth-century block-makers, woodcuts never quite disappeared, and they returned to favour in the delicate form called 'wood-engraving' at the end of the hand-press period.

» grabado en piedracarved in a tablet of stone .

Example: What the presidency needs is a job description; not one carved in a tablet of stone and certainly not one which would form all future presidents in the same sanitised mould.

» grabado en relieveembossed .

Example: Braille is the term used to refer to material intended for the visually impaired and using embossed characters formed by raised dots in six-dot cells.

» grabado en vídeovideotaped .

Example: This article discusses the impact of the law on the preventive censorship of videotaped programmes.

» grabados en acerosteel engraving .

Example: Also discussed are plans printed by various technical processes over the centuries, such as copperplate and steel engravings, and modern poly-chromatic prints.

» libro grabado en audiotalking book [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos] .

Example: Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.

» metal grabadochased metal .

Example: Some of these exotic bindings were sometimes enriched with chased metal, semi-precious stones, or pasted-on pictures.

» risas grabadascanned laughterlaughter tracklaugh track .

Example: Less than impressed, he labels sitcoms 'the lowest form of entertainment', adding that, 'it's just stupid jokes and canned laughter'.

Example: I sometimes think laughter tracks are essential -- they at least make the show seem funny.

Example: Most of the laugh tracks on television were recorded in the early 1950's -- these days, most of the people you hear laughing are dead.

» versión grabadarecorded version .

Example: Newspapers have not been available to the blind except in shortened recorded versions, mostly received long after sighted persons get their newspapers.

grabar = cut into ; download ; etch ; brand (as) ; incise ; record. 

Example: For most of the period woodcuts for letterpress printing were made of a hard, fine-grained wood (such as box or a fruit wood) cut into the side of the plank along the grain.Example: To download is to capture data online from a remote host computer and transfer it to the store of an in-house standalone system, eg a microcomputer, for processing.Example: The idea was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.Example: Music by Jewish composers and works were branded in Nazi Germany as degenerate art.Example: Our books today mix CAPITALS, from letters Romans incised on stone monuments, and 'lower case' letters, derived from script developed in Ireland for parchment manuscripts.Example: Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area = Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area.


» estar grabado en la memoriaimprint on + consciousness .

Example: A library is not, to use the language of Dallas, Texas, imprinted on the consciousness of each of us, simply a 'book depository'.

» grabar al ácidoetch [Tercera persona singular etches] .

Example: In fact the earliest 'zincographs' were not made photographically but by transferring a line drawing in a greasy and acid-resistant ink on to a zinc plate and then etching it.

» grabar en audioaudio record .

Example: Is it illegal to audio record a conversation with my doctor during an appointment?.

» grabar en CDburn to + disc .

Example: I am using Nero as a burning software and I need to use a multi-session backup in order to burn to disc the images at the end of each working day.

» grabar en cintatape-record [tape record]tape .

Example: Data were obtained from 332 transcripts of actual reference interviews previously tape-recorded in three public libraries.

Example: There are no special libraries for blind students in Japan, whereas in Denmark books can be taped on request within 6-8 weeks.

» grabar en el estudiofilm in + the studio .

Example: The actual crash down an embankment was filmed in the studio using scale models.

» grabar en exterioresfilm on + location [La palabra "exteriores" se utiliza aquí como contrapuesto a rodar en un escenario exterior construido especialmente para la película] .

Example: In modern filmmaking, many productions film on location, away from the backlots of Hollywood.

» grabar en la memoriaimprint on + consciousness .

Example: A library is not, to use the language of Dallas, Texas, imprinted on the consciousness of each of us, simply a 'book depository'.

» grabar en la mente de Alguienengrave in + Posesivo + mind .

Example: One of George Santayana's dicta, which is engraved as a guiding principle in my mind, is his admonition that 'Those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it'.

» grabar en piedraengrave in + stone .

Example: In no sense are policies engraved in stone and unchangeable.

» grabar en relieveemboss .

Example: Daisy wheel printers have a series of petals radiating from a hub and each petal is embossed with a character.

» grabar en vídeovideotapevideo recordcatch + Nombre + on camera .

Example: In a second session students' search behaviour was videotaped and their comments recorded as they were encouraged to think aloud.

Example: Is it legal to video record someone without consent in Florida?.

Example: A journalist covering severe floods got the boot after she was caught on camera being carried over puddles by local people to avoid getting her expensive shoes wet.

» sin grabarunengraved .

Example: The copperplate was warmed and then inked with a dabber and wiped to clean the unengraved areas.

Grabado synonyms

canned in spanish: Enlatado, pronunciation: kænd part of speech: adjective taped in spanish: grabado, pronunciation: teɪpt part of speech: adjective registered in spanish: registrado, pronunciation: redʒɪstɜrd part of speech: adjective listed in spanish: listado, pronunciation: lɪstəd part of speech: adjective transcribed in spanish: transcrito, pronunciation: trænskraɪbd part of speech: adjective prerecorded in spanish: pregrabado, pronunciation: prɪrikɔrdɪd part of speech: adjective filmed in spanish: filmado, pronunciation: fɪlmd part of speech: adjective on the books in spanish: en los libros, pronunciation: ɑnðəbʊks part of speech: adjective tape-recorded in spanish: grabado en cinta, pronunciation: teɪprɪkɔrdɪd part of speech: adjective
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