General in english


pronunciation: dʒenɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

general1 = general. 

Example: It should not be assumed that this has got to be a semiformal talk, followed by a few halfhearted questions: a kind of general's visit to the barracks.


» dar una idea generalpaint + a broad picturegive + Nombre + a rough ideapaint + a broad-brush picturepaint + Nombre + with a broad brush .

Example: Although there isn't room here to go into much detail, it may be worthwhile to paint a broad picture of how the migration actually went.

Example: After giving her a rough idea of what I wanted, she made some suggestions and showed me some possibilities.

Example: In this presentation, I wish to paint a broad-brush picture of this important area by drawing examples from our own work as well as from published literature.

Example: But just as it's not fair to paint any race or socioeconomic class with a broad brush, labeling them this or that, it's not fair that all police officers are ridiculed because of the actions of a few.

» general de brigadabrigade general .

Example: In 1793, during the French Revolution, the rank of field marshal was replaced by the rank of brigade general.

» general de divisiónmajor general .

Example: On Friday, his brother, Michael T. Flynn, was promoted from major general to lieutenant general, after confirmation by the Senate.

» teniente generallieutenant general .

Example: On Friday, his brother, Michael T. Flynn, was promoted from major general to lieutenant general, after confirmation by the Senate.

general2 = all-embracing ; broad ; comprehensive ; general ; large ; sweeping ; ubiquitous ; umbrella ; widespread ; pervasive ; blanket ; all-encompassing ; broadly based ; wide-ranging [wide ranging] ; overriding ; broad-based [broad based] ; wide-scale ; overarching ; received ; epidemic ; pandemic ; wide-angle(d) ; generalised [generalized, -USA] ; embracing ; encompassing. 

Example: Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.Example: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials = This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.Example: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is whether the data base is comprehensive or not.Example: Nevertheless, the fact that these general lists cannot serve for every application has triggered a search for more consistent approaches.Example: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Example: Such a statement of objectives may appear narrowly defined in its practices and yet, at the same time, rather sweeping in its assumptions.Example: Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record = Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record.Example: This article describes how an 'umbrella licence' was obtained covering a group of libraries within the region.Example: Comment published so far is favourable, but the code still awaits widespread adoption.Example: The unease is pervasive, not an occasional outcropping of discontent.Example: Likert in no way attempts to make a blanket prescription for employee-centered supervisory styles.Example: In publishing itself there is little use made of the all-encompassing schemes such as Dewey or the Library of Congress.Example: Library schools are offering broadly based courses with increasing emphasis on technology and information systems, but practising librarians still need the traditional skills.Example: The contents of this handbook are comprehensive and wide-ranging.Example: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.Example: However, the organisation is well on its way to becoming a broad-based provider of databases and end-user oriented information services in all areas of engineering.Example: Without the stimuli of cooperative agencies, many programmes such as wide-scale interlibrary loan would not have developed so rapidly.Example: There appears to be an unhealthy tendency among information technology professionals to elevate any single, highly successful practical experience instantly into an overarching paradigm for managerial success.Example: It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.Example: The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature' = The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature'.Example: Test score data were broken down to show that the decline is pandemic throughout the culture & not limited to sex, race, or class variables.Example: Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.Example: Although it is coy about admitting the fact it is only mentioned twice in the whole of the thirty pages of publicity material it is in effect a generalized and modernized Thesaurofacet: a facetted classification with a thesaurus structure forming an integral part.Example: What is needed is an embracing approach to guarantee freedom for Palestine and legitimacy for Israel.Example: By drawing Russia into an encompassing coalition with Europe and other powers, the risk of conflict will be diminished.


» abogado generaladvocate-general .

Example: The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.

» Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT)General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) .

Example: The USA has pursued these objectives through 2 principal avenues -- bilateral negotiations with specific countries and multilateral negotiations through the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

» anestesia generalgeneral anaesthesia .

Example: Under general anesthesia, closure of the atrial defect was undertaken after initial temporary test occlusion.

» aplicar de forma generalwidely applied .

Example: The 2nd one, widely applied by social scientists, relies on the assignment of new meanings to familiar terms..

» asamblea generalgeneral assembly .

Example: The decisions of the General Assemblies shall be taken by an absolute majority apart from the exceptions provided for in these Statutes.

» bibliografia generalgeneral bibliography .

Example: Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.

» biblioteca generalgeneral library [Biblioteca que abarca en principio todos los campos del conocimiento] .

Example: A general library is a library which covers in principle all fields of knowledge.

» capitán generalfield marshal .

Example: In 1793, during the French Revolution, the rank of field marshal was replaced by the rank of brigade general.

» clase generalcontaining class [En clasificación, división superior dentro de una jerarquía] .

Example: A main class, in a general classification scheme, is one of the broad classes into which knowledge is divided before further analysis begins, and for which there is no broader containing class.

» clasificación generalbroad classification [Esta expresión se suele utilizar con su significado más simple en inglés de "división en términos generales" y hay que distinguirla de su significado específico en biblioteconomía cuando nos referimos a un "sistema de clasificación"]broad classification [En clasificación, modo de clasificar por el que las notaciones que se asignan a los documentos son muy generales (es decir, apenas si cuentan con subdivisiones) por lo que resulta que una misma notación es compartida por varios documentos reduciéndose de este modo la especificidad de la notación y que normalmente se utiliza en bibliotecas de carácter general] .

Example: In this book we have kept this broad classification down to a minimum number of types, namely, public libraries, academic libraries, industrial/commercial libraries and national libraries.

Example: Among the advantages of the Dewey scheme is that it allows for close or specific classification (lengthy numbers for specific subjects) or broad classification (shorter numbers where less detail is required).

» comandante generalcommanding general .

Example: Thus a letter home from a common soldier on the eve of a great battle is likely to be of considerably more interest to the historian than a leave pass signed by the commanding general of one of the armies involved.

» como norma generalas a general ruleas a general rule of thumbas a rough guideas a ruleas a rule of thumb .

Example: As a general rule, you can 'buff up' your look by making your shoulders seem wider and your waist narrower.

Example: As a general rule of thumb, you want front and side fans to intake, rear and top to exhaust.

Example: As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.

Example: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.

Example: As a rule of thumb, most major libraries have chosen not to renew their periodical subscriptions.

» como regla generalas a ruleas a rule of thumb .

Example: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.

Example: As a rule of thumb, most major libraries have chosen not to renew their periodical subscriptions.

» comunidad en general, lawider community, the .

Example: As is proper, our commitment is to ensure that the impact of what we do is to the economic, social and environmental benefit of our stakeholders and the wider community.

» concepto más generalbroader concept .

Example: Having determined the heading whether a class number or natural language terms there remains the further stage of providing alternative approaches to the document, i.e. relating it to broader and collateral concepts.

» Congreso GeneralGeneral Conference .

Example: In this way 15-20 persons can attend both the Pre-Session Seminar and the General Conference annually at no personal cost.

» consenso generalgeneral consensus .

Example: There is general consensus that the intestinal flora of healthy breast-fed infants has several beneficial effects.

» consumo generalpublic consumption .

Example: She is one of those girls who believe their bod is for public consumption.

» convocar elecciones generalescall (for) + (a) general election(s) .

Example: He will meet with the Greek President to ask him to dissolve the Parliament and call general elections for January.

» creencia generalconventional wisdomconventional thinking .

Example: This analysis of labour incentives within cooperatives challenges the conventional wisdom that cooperatives suffer from a problem of weak work incentives.

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» criterio generalrule of thumb [Hábito de actuación] .

Example: Here, as elsewhere, one applies a second rule of thumb: retain self-control.

» dar una idea generalpaint + a broad picturegive + Nombre + a rough ideapaint + a broad-brush picturepaint + Nombre + with a broad brush .

Example: Although there isn't room here to go into much detail, it may be worthwhile to paint a broad picture of how the migration actually went.

Example: After giving her a rough idea of what I wanted, she made some suggestions and showed me some possibilities.

Example: In this presentation, I wish to paint a broad-brush picture of this important area by drawing examples from our own work as well as from published literature.

Example: But just as it's not fair to paint any race or socioeconomic class with a broad brush, labeling them this or that, it's not fair that all police officers are ridiculed because of the actions of a few.

» de aplicación generalgeneral-purposeof general application .

Example: Most information-retrieval systems are based on special-purpose text- or information-retrieval software which runs on general-purpose computers.

Example: This checklist's purpose is to list the most common laws of general application.

» de forma generalbulk .

Example: Users that have been bulk identified into the system may register later by providing a valid email address to uniquely identify them.

» de interés generalof general interest .

Example: Papers should be of interest to everyone in macroeconomics, of general interest in the profession, or of comparable quality and importance.

» de lo general a lo particularfrom the general to the particular .

Example: Deduction goes from the general to the particular, and induction goes from the particular to the general.

» de lo particular a lo generalfrom the particular to the general .

Example: Deduction goes from the general to the particular, and induction goes from the particular to the general.

» demasiado generalmuch too broad .

Example: This is clearly a much too broad provision, which could easily be abused.

» de propósito generalgeneral-purpose .

Example: Most information-retrieval systems are based on special-purpose text- or information-retrieval software which runs on general-purpose computers.

» describir en líneas generalesoutline  .

Example: In many respects, principles and practices outlined in this chapter apply equally to AACR1 and AACR2 and the Concise AACR2.

» desde un punto de vista generalin a broad sense .

Example: In a broad sense, electronic commerce is the sale of products and services over the Internet.

» desde un punto de vista más generalin a broader sense .

Example: In a broader sense, however, the global tightening of information and border controls affect many spheres of society.

» designación general de la clase de documentogeneral material designation [Expresión usada para indicar el tipo general de material al que pertenece un documento u objeto, por ej., grabación sonora] .

Example: General material designation is a term used to indicate the broad class of material to which an item belongs, e.g., sound recording.

» de tipo generalbroad scopedcoarse-grained .

Example: Librarians must satisfy information needs of these students by utilising collaborative, practical interchanges, rather than didactic, broad scoped instruction.

Example: Coarse-grained representations of the peptide chain have therefore been developed and over the last decade have proved extremely valuable.

» de un modo muy generalcrudely .

Example: Just as we can recognize stages of physical growth so we can isolate, rather crudely but nevertheless usefully, stages of psychological growth that have relevance to our theme.

» de utilidad generalall-purpose .

Example: In UDC the colon has to act as an 'all purpose' facet indicator to a very large extent.

» dirección generaldirectorate-general .

Example: This Committee is appointed by the Secretary General and is composed of representatives of each directorate-general.

» director generalsenior director .

Example: Senior directors earn absurdly more than the other workers in their business.

» elección generalgeneral election .

Example: But more to the point, the claim that 2 1/2 million jobs depend on slashing red tape is a misrepresentation of a CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983.

» encabezamiento demasiado generalmuch-too-broad heading .

Example: Works on such themes are typically subject-traced under nonspecific, much-too-broad headings, which in effect buries the material.

» encabezamiento generalclass entry .

Example: Startlingly, we find also that Rule 2.44 would permit either Horses -- Diseases or Horse -- Diseases -- Strangles for a document on strangles in horses (an infectious streptococcal fever); the first of these is blatantly class entry rather than specific, while the second is equally blatantly alphabetico classed.

» encabezamiento informativo generalgeneral explanatory heading .

Example: A general explanatory heading is an entry that serves to inform the user of a convention that applies either generally or to a defined category of headings, and to provide guidance in locating such headings.

» en contra de la opinión generalcontrary to popular belief .

Example: Contrary to popular belief still held by some, no accompanying service support was provided by Carnegie for the institution behind these monumental facades.

» en el sentido más generalin the broadest sense .

Example: To a great extent preservation consists of appropriate storage of documents in the broadest sense.

» en generalat largeby and largefor the most partgenerallyin generalin the mainon balanceon the wholeoverall [Adverbio]broadlyas a wholegenerally speaking .

Example: The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.

Example: This has been the case with newspapers which by and large have changed very little over the past century.

Example: Only one fact holds true in all catalog worlds: library users -- despite their great personal differences and interests -- are, for the most part, expected to negotiate their own way through whatever catalog is presented to them.

Example: Specific entry is generally recommended.

Example: However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.

Example: In the main, a library assistant's work consists of service desk duties, charging and discharging books, shelving returned books, dealing with reservations, sending overdue notices and checking the receipt of periodicals = En general, el trabajo de un auxiliar de biblioteca consiste en la atención al usuario, tramitar los préstamos y su devolución, colocar los libros en las estanterías, gestionar las reservas de libros, enviar los avisos de vencimiento de plazo y comprobar la recepción de las publicaciones periódicas.

Example: Although same problems with software applications, hardware and user training programmes had cropped up periodically, on balance, users are reasonably pleased with their acquisitions.

Example: I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.

Example: Overall, neither system proved ideal: LEXINET was deficient as regards lack of accessibility and excessive ambiguity; while the manual system gave rise to an over-wide variation of terms.

Example: These can be broadly categorised into the following two groups.

Example: The bibliographic record for the volume is also a monographic record, but with a series entry and a relationship link to the bibliographic record for the series as a whole.

Example: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.

» en líneas generalesbroadly speakinggenerallyon the wholein basic outlineroughly speakingas a rough guide .

Example: Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.

Example: Specific entry is generally recommended.

Example: I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.

Example: In basic outline school libraries the world over share similar philosophy and objectives.

Example: Roughly speaking one-third of book publishers publish only one new book each every six months.

Example: As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.

» ensayo generaldress rehearsal .

Example: Although she made a mistake in her performance, the judges said that they had marked her up based on her dress rehearsal performance.

» en su sentido más generalin its/their broadest sense .

Example: Of course, reference service in its broadest sense has generally included both the informational (ie, reference work) and the instructional functions.

» entender la idea generalget + the whole picture .

Example: I applaud them for starting to come around to the idea, but they're still not quite getting the whole picture.

» en términos generalesin broad termsgenerally speaking .

Example: Thus the title is a label associated with a work, which both identifies the document, and describes in broad terms its content.

Example: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.

» en un sentido generalin a broad sense .

Example: In a broad sense, electronic commerce is the sale of products and services over the Internet.

» en un sentido más generalin a broader sense .

Example: In a broader sense, however, the global tightening of information and border controls affect many spheres of society.

» esquema generaloutline .

Example: It may be helpful to begin with a careful reading of the definitions before attempting to deal with the outline.

» gastos generalesoverhead costs .

Example: If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.

» gobernador generalGovernor General .

Example: The office of Governor General is the oldest institution in Canada's public life, going back in an unbroken line to Samuel de Champlain.

» hablando en términos generalesloosely speaking .

Example: Loosely speaking, the more likely an act is to have an undesirable consequence, the more its agent is to blame.

» hacerse una idea generalget + a rough idea .

Example: I am a fifteen year old singer songwriter and i want to get a rough idea of what people think, please comment honestly as it would help me massively.

» hospital generalgeneral hospital .

Example: Their information needs have implications for academic and public libraries as well as libraries in psychiatric facilities and general hospitals.

» huelga generalgeneral strike .

Example: In May 1926 Britains' miners walked out and in a move of solidarity other industry workers joined them, creating the first ever general strike in Britain.

» idea generalrough idea .

Example: I have a rough idea of what I'd like to achieve, but I'm not sure when to start.

» índice generalgeneral index .

Example: In a general index it may only be possible to distinguish between different meanings of the one homograph by using scope notes or qualifying terms wherever the term arises.

» información generaloverview .

Example: Figure 16 on page 24 gives an overview of searching.

» informe sobre el estado general de las carreterasroad report .

Example: Index pages are provided so normally the user will initially key in the number of the main index page in order to discover the page numbers of the required subject area, whether it is sports results, the latest news, weather or road reports or cookery recipes.

» inspector generalinspector general .

Example: Ravaisson (1813-1900), a philosopher, historian, and aesthete, is best known for his years as conservator of the Louvre Museum but he also occupied the post of inspector general of Libraries (1839-52).

» instrucción generalblanket instruction .

Example: The instructions to the computer will be simpler if it relies upon a blanket instruction to file the characters as they are found in the text of the heading.

» interés generalpublic interest .

Example: It is, however, possible for member states to make exemptions to this restriction on grounds of important public interest.

» la comunidad en generalthe community at large .

Example: The cost to the community at large if one of its individual members fails to find information he requires is considerably less than the cost of organizing the material adequately.

» la sociedad en generalsociety at large .

Example: Her paper considers action in society at large towards creating the computer literate population that is needed.

» libro de contabilidad generalgeneral ledger .

Example: Think of the accounting system as a wheel whose hub is the general ledger.

» materia generalparent subjectsuperordinate subject .

Example: The scheme is hierarchical, like a family tree, showing the relationship of specific subjects to the parent subject.

Example: The converse of a subordinate subject is a superordinate subject.

» materia más generalbroader subject .

Example: A subject which is perceived as being entirely contained within the bounds of another will have its 'circle' totally within the boundaries of the domain for the broader subject.

» medicina generalinternal medicinegeneral medicine .

Example: Librarians spend one week with selected internal medicine teams participating in work rounds and instructing team members in the use of the medical literature.

Example: General Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases of the internal organs.

» norma generalrule of thumb [Hábito de actuación] .

Example: Here, as elsewhere, one applies a second rule of thumb: retain self-control.

» Norma General Internacional para la Descripción de Archivvos (ISAD-G)General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)) .

Example: The General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)) structures an archival description in such a way that the lowest level of description can be linked to successively higher levels of descriptions.

» normativa generalframework regulation .

Example: Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.

» opinión generalconsensus of opinionconventional wisdomconventional thinking .

Example: Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.

Example: This analysis of labour incentives within cooperatives challenges the conventional wisdom that cooperatives suffer from a problem of weak work incentives.

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» opinión general, lareceived wisdom, the .

Example: In fact, many would say he has already stepped over the edge: the received wisdom in the world of reference is 'Never offer a personal opinion'.

» parálisis generalgeneral paresis .

Example: The published material confirms beyond any doubt that he was suffering from syphilis and its common manifestation, general paresis.

» pensamiento generalconventional thinking .

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» población en generalbroad population .

Example: In the US, in spite of efforts to extend Internet access to a broad population, some segments of the population are 'falling through the net,' to their economic peril = En los Estados Unidos, a pesar de los esfuerzos por extender el acceso a Internet a la población en general, algunos sectores "se escapan de los beneficios de Internet", con el riesgo económico que esto implica.

» población en general, lageneral population, the .

Example: Web surfers are more politically active than the general population.

» por lo generalon the wholeall in allin generalgenerallygenerally speakingin the normal run of eventsin the normal run of thingsin the normal course of eventsas a rulein the main .

Example: I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.

Example: All in all, then, the book has plenty to attend to, plenty to enjoy, plenty to share.

Example: However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.

Example: Specific entry is generally recommended.

Example: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.

Example: In the normal run of events a well-organised active minority of quite a small size can play a decisive role in the determination of a political outcome.

Example: In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.

Example: In the normal course of events, the zygote and sporophyte will have a full double set of chromosomes again.

Example: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.

Example: In the main, a library assistant's work consists of service desk duties, charging and discharging books, shelving returned books, dealing with reservations, sending overdue notices and checking the receipt of periodicals = En general, el trabajo de un auxiliar de biblioteca consiste en la atención al usuario, tramitar los préstamos y su devolución, colocar los libros en las estanterías, gestionar las reservas de libros, enviar los avisos de vencimiento de plazo y comprobar la recepción de las publicaciones periódicas.

» por regla generalin the mainon the wholegenerally speakingas a rulein generalgenerally .

Example: In the main, a library assistant's work consists of service desk duties, charging and discharging books, shelving returned books, dealing with reservations, sending overdue notices and checking the receipt of periodicals = En general, el trabajo de un auxiliar de biblioteca consiste en la atención al usuario, tramitar los préstamos y su devolución, colocar los libros en las estanterías, gestionar las reservas de libros, enviar los avisos de vencimiento de plazo y comprobar la recepción de las publicaciones periódicas.

Example: I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.

Example: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.

Example: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.

Example: However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.

Example: Specific entry is generally recommended.

» público en generalbroader audiencebroad audiencebroad publicbroader public .

Example: As computerized products increasingly appeal to broader audiences, the needs of older adults will become a concern for designers.

Example: Periodical bibliographical control insures the availability and access of periodical titles to a broad audience.

Example: These Internet resources carry information of broad public interest.

Example: The Library of Congress previously focused on serving the Congress, the government, the scholarly community, and the broader public mainly as a library of last resort.

» público en general, elgeneral public, the [Expresión normalmente precedida del artículo] .

Example: Despite the cynical opinion of the general public, important original research can originate from Ph.D. candidates at universities.

» referencia general explicativablanket reference [Para ahorrar en el uso de referencias específicas se puede utilizar una referencia de tipo general que contenga las explicaciones que se consideren oportunas, como por ejemplo, "DICCIONARIOS ... búsquense por materia"]general reference [Para ahorrar en el uso de referencias específicas se puede utilizar una referencia de tipo general que contenga las explicaciones que se consideren oportunas, como por ejemplo, "DICCIONARIOS ... búsquense por materia"] .

Example: Instead, a large scale saving of index entries is achieved by producing a general or blanket reference in some such form as the following: DICTIONARIES See names of individual subjects = Para ahorrar en el uso de referencias específicas se puede utilizar una referencia de tipo general que contenga las explicaciones que se consideren oportunas, como por ejemplo, "DICCIONARIOS ... búsquense por materia".

Example: Instead, a large scale saving of index entries is achieved by producing a general or blanket reference in some such form as the following: DICTIONARIES See names of individual subjects.

» Secretaría GeneralSecretariat .

Example: From 1972 to 1974, he was attached to the British Library Planning Secretariat.

» secretario generalSecretary Generalgeneral secretary .

Example: This Committee is appointed by the Secretary General and is composed of representatives of each directorate-general.

Example: How the devil did he come to be the general secretary of the Communist Party?.

» ser de uso generalbe generally available .

Example: Microsoft has finally announced that the new system is generally available.

» ser la tónica generalbe the norm .

Example: Low interest rates will likely be the norm during the next two to three years.

» sistema de clasificación generalgeneral scheme .

Example: As a general scheme, CC is potentially capable of classifying the subjects of documents belonging to any area of knowledge.

» Sistema General de Ordenación (SGO)Broad System of Ordering (BSO) .

Example: The Broad System of Ordering (BSO) is a general classification scheme which was designed primarily for information exchange and switching.

» tener una idea generalhave + a rough idea .

Example: Even if you only have a rough idea of what you are looking for, we can help you refine and define your project.

» término más generalwider term .

Example: This layout gives the lead term in the context of wider terms on the same line (the Qualifier) and narrower terms (the Display) on the second line.

» una guía generala rough guide .

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» una idea generala rough guide .

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» usar de forma generalwidely applied .

Example: The 2nd one, widely applied by social scientists, relies on the assignment of new meanings to familiar terms..

» visión generalconspectussnapshot [snap-shot] .

Example: This is a useful service for those who already have access or subscribe to Halsbury's, especially if what is required is a conspectus of English law.

Example: The article 'The information highway: on ramps, checkpoints, speed bumps and tollbooths' offers a comprehensive snapshot of the current policy and practices regarding the dissemination of government information in electronic form.

General synonyms

mass in spanish: masa, pronunciation: mæs part of speech: noun comprehensive in spanish: exhaustivo, pronunciation: kɑmprihensɪv part of speech: adjective common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective pervasive in spanish: penetrante, pronunciation: pɜrveɪsɪv part of speech: adjective gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun generic in spanish: genérico, pronunciation: dʒənerɪk part of speech: adjective overall in spanish: en general, pronunciation: oʊvɜrɔl part of speech: adjective miscellaneous in spanish: diverso, pronunciation: mɪsəleɪniəs part of speech: adjective broad in spanish: ancho, pronunciation: brɔd part of speech: adjective universal in spanish: universal, pronunciation: junəvɜrsəl part of speech: adjective, noun cosmopolitan in spanish: cosmopolita, pronunciation: kɑzməpɑlətən part of speech: adjective, noun popular in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜr part of speech: adjective systemic in spanish: sistémico, pronunciation: sɪstemɪk part of speech: adjective ecumenical in spanish: ecuménico, pronunciation: ekjumenɪkəl part of speech: adjective national in spanish: nacional, pronunciation: næʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun pandemic in spanish: pandemia, pronunciation: pændemɪk part of speech: noun, adjective widespread in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: waɪdspred part of speech: adjective worldwide in spanish: en todo el mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldwaɪd part of speech: adjective imprecise in spanish: impreciso, pronunciation: ɪmprəsaɪs part of speech: adjective large-scale in spanish: Gran escala, pronunciation: lɑrdʒskeɪl part of speech: adjective generalized in spanish: generalizado, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective pervading in spanish: penetrante, pronunciation: pɜrveɪdɪŋ part of speech: adjective unspecific in spanish: inespecífico, pronunciation: ənspɪsɪfɪk part of speech: adjective oecumenical in spanish: ecuménico, pronunciation: oʊkumenɪkəl part of speech: adjective all-purpose in spanish: de uso múltiple, pronunciation: ɔlpɜrpəs part of speech: adjective unvaried in spanish: sin variación, pronunciation: ənverid part of speech: adjective general-purpose in spanish: propósito general, pronunciation: dʒenrəlpɜrpoʊz part of speech: adjective undiversified in spanish: no diversificado, pronunciation: əndɪvɜrsɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective full general in spanish: general completo, pronunciation: fʊldʒenɜrəl part of speech: noun
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