Gen in english


pronunciation: dʒen part of speech: noun
In gestures

gen = gene. 

Example: The substances created by genes (hormones, enzymes, etc) also contain information.


» banco de genesgene bank .

Example: This series of papers briefly describes the information systems, including gene banks, set up in Ethiopia to support biodiversity studies and programmes.

» búsqueda de nuevos genesgene-harvesting [Búsqueda de nuevos genes, principalmente por los países industrializados, con objeto de mejorar la producción agrícola o con finalidades farmacéuticas] .

Example: There is increasing overlap between conservation and scientific interests as bioprospecting and gene-harvesting assumes greater priority.

» determinado por los genesgenetically-driven .

Example: A genetically-driven tendency to look on the bright side of life is a core mechanism underlying resilience to general life stress.

» gen mutantemutant gene .

Example: A simple blood test to detect a mutant gene that causes cystic fybrosis is not included in the basket of health services subsidized by the government.

» gen poolgene pool .

Example: The result is a decreased tendency to select for drug-resistant genes in the global HIV gene pool.

» llevar Algo en los geneshave + Nombre + in + Posesivo + genes .

Example: And there is a certain type of women who just has it in her genes to be nasty and she's just one of those women.
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