Gaseoso in english


pronunciation: gæsiəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

gaseoso = gaseous ; carbonated ; gassy ; fizzy . 

Example: Mathematical models are presented that describe the diffusion of gaseous pollutants from the air in a storeroom into protective containers and the reaction with the documents lying in them.Example: The same problem is posed a fortiori when the liquid to be pasteurized contains dissolved gas under pressure (carbonated liquid) -- the case of beer for example.Example: If it's due to that, you should keep away from gassy drinks, coffee and other caffeinated drinks.Example: This beer is pale yellow, a bit fizzy, and it doesn't smell like much.


» cloro gaseosochlorine gas .

Example: Their latest weapon of choice is poisonous chlorine gas, which they use in bomb explosions to cause more casualties and spread panic.

» embolia gaseosagas embolism .

Example: Gas embolism is one of the diving disorders scuba divers sometimes suffer when they receive pressure damage to their lungs following a rapid ascent.

» embolismo gaseosogas embolism .

Example: Gas embolism is one of the diving disorders scuba divers sometimes suffer when they receive pressure damage to their lungs following a rapid ascent.

» líquido gaseosogas liquid .

Example: The strength of the acetone rinsing on the strength of the paper is investigated, and its efficiency in removing NM2P is also examined using gas liquid chromatography.

Gaseoso synonyms

frothy in spanish: espumoso, pronunciation: frɔθi part of speech: adjective gassy in spanish: gaseoso, pronunciation: gæsi part of speech: adjective vaporous in spanish: vaporoso, pronunciation: væpɜrəs part of speech: adjective foamy in spanish: espumoso, pronunciation: foʊmi part of speech: adjective aeriform in spanish: gaseoso, pronunciation: erəfɔrm part of speech: adjective evaporated in spanish: evaporado, pronunciation: ɪvæpɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective vaporized in spanish: vaporizado, pronunciation: veɪpɜraɪzd part of speech: adjective aerosolized in spanish: en aerosol, pronunciation: erəsəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective vaporific in spanish: vaporificante, pronunciation: vəpɔrəfɪk part of speech: adjective airlike in spanish: airlike, pronunciation: erlaɪk part of speech: adjective gasified in spanish: gasificado, pronunciation: gæsəfaɪd part of speech: adjective vaporish in spanish: vaporish, pronunciation: veɪpɜrɪʃ part of speech: adjective vapourous in spanish: voraz, pronunciation: væpʊrəs part of speech: adjective vapourific in spanish: vapourific, pronunciation: væpɜrɪfɪk vapourish in spanish: vaporoso, pronunciation: væpɜrɪʃ part of speech: adjective volatilized in spanish: volatilizado, pronunciation: vɑlətəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective
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