Gaseosa in english


pronunciation: soʊdə part of speech: noun
In gestures

gaseosa = lemonade ; cream soda. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Making lemonade: the challenges and opportunities of forced reference serials cancellations; one academic library's experiences'.Example: This strawberry ice cream soda recipe is made with cream soda and strawberries and strawberry ice cream.

gaseoso = gaseous ; carbonated ; gassy ; fizzy . 

Example: Mathematical models are presented that describe the diffusion of gaseous pollutants from the air in a storeroom into protective containers and the reaction with the documents lying in them.Example: The same problem is posed a fortiori when the liquid to be pasteurized contains dissolved gas under pressure (carbonated liquid) -- the case of beer for example.Example: If it's due to that, you should keep away from gassy drinks, coffee and other caffeinated drinks.Example: This beer is pale yellow, a bit fizzy, and it doesn't smell like much.


» cloro gaseosochlorine gas .

Example: Their latest weapon of choice is poisonous chlorine gas, which they use in bomb explosions to cause more casualties and spread panic.

» embolia gaseosagas embolism .

Example: Gas embolism is one of the diving disorders scuba divers sometimes suffer when they receive pressure damage to their lungs following a rapid ascent.

» embolismo gaseosogas embolism .

Example: Gas embolism is one of the diving disorders scuba divers sometimes suffer when they receive pressure damage to their lungs following a rapid ascent.

» líquido gaseosogas liquid .

Example: The strength of the acetone rinsing on the strength of the paper is investigated, and its efficiency in removing NM2P is also examined using gas liquid chromatography.

Gaseosa synonyms

pop in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑp part of speech: noun, verb, adjective tonic in spanish: tónico, pronunciation: tɑnɪk part of speech: adjective, noun soda pop in spanish: gaseosa, pronunciation: soʊdəpɑp part of speech: noun soda water in spanish: agua con gas, pronunciation: soʊdəwɔtɜr part of speech: noun soda ash in spanish: ceniza de soda, pronunciation: soʊdəæʃ part of speech: noun sodium carbonate in spanish: carbonato de sodio, pronunciation: soʊdiəmkɑrbəneɪt part of speech: noun sal soda in spanish: sal de sosa, pronunciation: sælsoʊdə part of speech: noun washing soda in spanish: Detergente, pronunciation: wɑʃɪŋsoʊdə part of speech: noun
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