Garrapata in english


pronunciation: tɪk part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

garrapata = tick ; animal tick. 

Example: The diseases and infestations caused by mites, lice, bed bugs, fleas, and ticks are discussed.Example: Leaders should be aware of the rare incidence of Lyme disease, which is transmitted by animal ticks.


» transmitido por garrapatastick-borne .

Example: Vaccinations included in the study were for flu, tetanus, diphtheria tick-borne encephalitis, polio, pneumococcus and hepatitis A, B and C = Las vacunas que se incluyeron en el estudio era para la gripe, el tétano, difteria, la encefalitis transmitida por garrapatas, la polio, neumococos y la hepatitis A, B y C.

Garrapata synonyms

beat in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun click in spanish: hacer clic, pronunciation: klɪk part of speech: verb, noun ticking in spanish: tictac, pronunciation: tɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun ticktock in spanish: TIC Tac, pronunciation: tɪktɑk part of speech: noun retick in spanish: repasar, pronunciation: retɪk part of speech: verb ticktack in spanish: garrapata, pronunciation: tɪktæk part of speech: noun
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