Gandulear in english


pronunciation: laʊndʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

gandulear = loiter (about/around) ; loaf (about/around) ; laze (about/around) ; lounge about/around ; bum around ; slack (off) ; screw around ; dick about/around ; doss about/around. 

Example: A high-pitched sound said to be only audible to young people will be used to deter teenagers from loitering at night.Example: The less you work, the less you spend and the more time you have for loafing about.Example: In the afternoon quite a few of our mob decided that they would prefer to spend a bit of time lazing about in the water and soaking up a few rays.Example: He spends all his time lounging around the house, driving his parents to despair.Example: He spent his early twenties bumming around the world and became fascinated by the differences and similarities in all of us.Example: Far from slacking, we all feel we're working harder than ever -- and the evidence backs this up.Example: But I've been screwing around for long enough; it's time to get back to work and earn some cash.Example: Sometimes the reason why we dick around is because there is too much stuff to do and it's difficult to focus.Example: He's a lifelong skiver who spends his days doing drugs and dossing about with his mates while his girlfriend earns an honest crust.

Gandulear synonyms

couch in spanish: sofá, pronunciation: kaʊtʃ part of speech: noun linger in spanish: persistir, pronunciation: lɪŋgɜr part of speech: verb sofa in spanish: sofá, pronunciation: soʊfə part of speech: noun loaf in spanish: pan, pronunciation: loʊf part of speech: noun tarry in spanish: alquitranado, pronunciation: teri part of speech: verb lurk in spanish: estar al acecho, pronunciation: lɜrk part of speech: verb loiter in spanish: holgazanear, pronunciation: lɔɪtɜr part of speech: verb lollygag in spanish: lollygag, pronunciation: lɑlɪgɪg part of speech: verb footle in spanish: pisar, pronunciation: fʊtəl part of speech: verb lallygag in spanish: holgazanear, pronunciation: lælɪgɪg part of speech: verb hang around in spanish: andar, pronunciation: hæŋɜraʊnd part of speech: verb waiting room in spanish: sala de espera, pronunciation: weɪtɪŋrum part of speech: noun mill about in spanish: circular en masa, pronunciation: mɪləbaʊt part of speech: verb mess about in spanish: jugar con, pronunciation: mesəbaʊt part of speech: verb mill around in spanish: moverse por todas partes, pronunciation: mɪlɜraʊnd part of speech: verb waiting area in spanish: área de espera, pronunciation: weɪtɪŋeriə part of speech: noun
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