Gancho in english


pronunciation: hʊk part of speech: noun
In gestures

gancho = hook ; clip ; peg ; draw ; teaser ; loss-leader ; panache. 

Example: The platen was lashed up tight to the toe of the spindle by cords which connected hooks at its four corners to another set of hooks at the four lower corners of the hose.Example: Some vertical storage chests utilize wooden rods to which the maps are attached and others use clips or pegs.Example: Some vertical storage chests utilize wooden rods to which the maps are attached and others use clips or pegs.Example: The draw of earning up to 30 pounds per cadaver without risking life or limb proved too tempting for some of the more barbarous resurrectionists, however, leading them to commit murder.Example: The Internet is the ideal place to offer the 'teaser' -- the 'hot' item or service which leads consumers in to buy the other products offered by the company.Example: The Internet is the ideal place to offer the 'loss-leader,' the item or service offered cheap, in the hope that consumers will investigate and buy the others.Example: It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.


» alfiler de ganchosafety pin .

Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.

» en forma de ganchohooked .

Example: All petrel species have dense plumage, webbed feet and deeply grooved and hooked bills.

» gancho de derecharight hook .

Example: On the second round, He beautifully countered and dropped Henderson with a right hook to the temple.

» gancho de izquierdaleft hook .

Example: He dominated the fight and floored his opponent with a left hook in the second round.

» gancho para el remolquetow-bar [towbar] .

Example: The system was designed to be easily transported, of low maintenance, and adaptable to tractors and other vehicles with a tow-bar.

» tener ganchobe engaging .

Example: His style was lucid and engaging, and his experience both as an amateur printer and as an editor of sixteenth and seventeenth-century literature fitted him exactly for the task.

Gancho synonyms

hand in spanish: mano, pronunciation: hænd part of speech: noun draw in spanish: dibujar, pronunciation: drɔ part of speech: verb abstract in spanish: resumen, pronunciation: æbstrækt part of speech: adjective, noun lift in spanish: levantar, pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun lure in spanish: señuelo, pronunciation: lʊr part of speech: noun, verb sneak in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: snik part of speech: verb, noun plume in spanish: penacho, pronunciation: plum part of speech: noun paw in spanish: pata, pronunciation: part of speech: noun pinch in spanish: pellizco, pronunciation: pɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb bait in spanish: cebo, pronunciation: beɪt part of speech: noun pluck in spanish: arrancar, pronunciation: plʌk part of speech: verb, noun fleece in spanish: lana, pronunciation: flis part of speech: noun claw in spanish: garra, pronunciation: klɔ part of speech: noun cop in spanish: policía, pronunciation: kɑp part of speech: noun cabbage in spanish: repollo, pronunciation: kæbədʒ part of speech: noun swipe in spanish: golpe fuerte, pronunciation: swaɪp part of speech: noun, verb soak in spanish: empapar, pronunciation: soʊk part of speech: verb snitch in spanish: soplón, pronunciation: snɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb addict in spanish: adicto, pronunciation: ədɪkt part of speech: noun purloin in spanish: hurtar, pronunciation: pɜrlɔɪn part of speech: verb rob in spanish: robar, pronunciation: rɑb part of speech: verb glom in spanish: glom, pronunciation: glɑm part of speech: verb pilfer in spanish: robar a, pronunciation: pɪlfɜr part of speech: verb crochet in spanish: tejer, pronunciation: kroʊʃeɪ part of speech: noun surcharge in spanish: recargo, pronunciation: sɜrtʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun mitt in spanish: guante, pronunciation: mɪt part of speech: noun overcharge in spanish: sobrecargar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrtʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb filch in spanish: sisar, pronunciation: fɪltʃ part of speech: verb crotchet in spanish: negra, pronunciation: krɑtʃɪt part of speech: noun gazump in spanish: Gazump, pronunciation: gæzəmp part of speech: verb snarf in spanish: snarf, pronunciation: snɑrf part of speech: verb nobble in spanish: ejercer presión sobre, pronunciation: nɑbəl part of speech: verb manus in spanish: manuscrito, pronunciation: meɪnɪs part of speech: noun knock off in spanish: rebajar, pronunciation: nɑkɔf part of speech: verb thieve in spanish: robar, pronunciation: θiv part of speech: verb sweetener in spanish: edulcorante, pronunciation: switənɜr part of speech: noun come-on in spanish: venga, pronunciation: kʌmɑn part of speech: noun mauler in spanish: torturador, pronunciation: mɔlɜr part of speech: noun hook shot in spanish: tiro de gancho, pronunciation: hʊkʃɑt part of speech: noun
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