Galardón in english


pronunciation: əwɔrd part of speech: noun
In gestures

galardón = guerdon. 

Example: Not far off, the barn, plethoric with the autumn's harvest spoils, holds the farmer's well-earned trophies -- the guerdon of his toils.

Galardón synonyms

present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb honor in spanish: honor, pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb grant in spanish: conceder, pronunciation: grænt part of speech: noun, verb accolade in spanish: espaldarazo, pronunciation: ækəleɪd part of speech: noun prize in spanish: premio, pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: noun honour in spanish: honor, pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun laurels in spanish: laureles, pronunciation: lɔrəlz part of speech: noun awarding in spanish: concesión, pronunciation: əwɔrdɪŋ part of speech: noun bestow an award upon in spanish: otorgar un premio a, pronunciation: bɪstoʊænəwɔrdəpɑn
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