Fútil in english


pronunciation: fjutəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fútil = sterile ; inutile ; inane. 

Example: Such a stance appears to ignore the many warnings to the effect that theory without practice may be sterile, but practice without theory is blind.Example: However, only certain philosophies are deemed relevant to social scientific inquiry; linguistic theory & deconstructionism are identified as inutile.Example: There is perhaps no greater pleasure than having inane and silly conversations that come from nowhere and go nowhere.

Fútil synonyms

vain in spanish: vano, pronunciation: veɪn part of speech: adjective otiose in spanish: otiose, pronunciation: oʊʃoʊsi part of speech: adjective useless in spanish: inútil, pronunciation: jusləs part of speech: adjective ineffectual in spanish: ineficaz, pronunciation: ɪnəfektʃuəl part of speech: adjective fruitless in spanish: infructuoso, pronunciation: frutləs part of speech: adjective unavailing in spanish: inútil, pronunciation: ənəveɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective unproductive in spanish: improductivo, pronunciation: ənprədʌktɪv part of speech: adjective bootless in spanish: vano, pronunciation: butləs part of speech: adjective sleeveless in spanish: sin mangas, pronunciation: slivlɪs part of speech: adjective
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