Fusión in english


pronunciation: fjuʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

fusión = amalgamation ; coming together ; fusion ; joining together ; merger ; merging ; confounding ; piecing together ; blurring ; interweaving ; bringing together ; meld ; coalescence. 

Example: The examples cited to date have used right hand truncation, which results in the amalgamation of words with different suffixes.Example: Knowledge generally evolves from an identifiable base, and often new subjects arise from the coming together of two previously separate subjects.Example: New topics develop not merely by fission -- the splitting up of established subjects -- but also by fusion -- the merging of previously distinct subjects.Example: Such schemes are essentially analytical in nature, but do not permit any synthesis or joining together of concepts that have been divided from one another.Example: Qualifiers function as an integral part of the index terms, so that terms of the form 'Moving (House)', 'Mergers (Industrial)' are created and used.Example: The merging of synonyms carries implications for the effectiveness of the index in terms of precision and recall.Example: The confounding of opposites is also common though, again, care has to be taken to see that we do not confound two subjects on which extensive literature exists.Example: Progress in research is dependent on the piecing together of items of information from many sources.Example: Read from the perspective of Bakhtin, this blurring of genres is also a blurring of idealogies.Example: This paper illustrates the possible future interweaving of information retrieval and entertainment.Example: I have already mentioned that the bringing together of the various editions is the real problem.Example: The article is entitled 'Scholars and media: an unmixable mess of oil and water or a perfect meld of oil and vinegar?'.Example: The four stages of social movement development are emergence, coalescence, bureaucratization, and decline.


» adhesivo de fusión en calientehot-melt adhesive .

Example: Other concerns when applying hot-melt adhesives are high viscosity and high operating temperature.

» de baja fusiónlow-melt .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

» de fusión en calientehot-melt .

Example: The product is hot melt and can be dispensed from a standard press or pump.

» energía de fusiónfusion power .

Example: Fusion power is sometimes mocked for its alleged unfeasibility.

» fusión de empresasconsolidation .

Example: Consolidations have reduced the number of publishing houses available.

» fusión de un reactor nuclearmeltdown .

Example: The core itself is housed in a concrete bunker designed to contain any radiation leaked by the nuclear fuel in the event of a meltdown.

» fusión nuclearnuclear fusionnuclear meltdownmeltdown .

Example: Hydrogen bombs or H-bombs derive a large portion of their energy from the nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes.

Example: Numerous nuclear meltdowns have occurred throughout humanity's atomic age, though thankfully only four large-scale events have ever occurred at civilian plants.

Example: The core itself is housed in a concrete bunker designed to contain any radiation leaked by the nuclear fuel in the event of a meltdown.

» pegamento de fusión en calientehot-melt glue .

Example: Hot-melt glue is useful for binding a variety of craft materials including wood, metal, plastic.

» pistola de pegamento de fusión en calientehot-melt gun .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

» punto de fusiónmelting pointfusion point .

Example: Printing types were cast in an alloy of lead, antimony, and tin called type-metal which was hard enough to wear well yet had a low melting point.

Example: In practice it has been observed that the higher the alumina content in the fireclay, the higher is the fusion point.

Fusión synonyms

coalition in spanish: coalición, pronunciation: koʊəlɪʃən part of speech: noun merger in spanish: fusión, pronunciation: mɜrdʒɜr part of speech: noun unification in spanish: unificación, pronunciation: junəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun nuclear fusion in spanish: fusión nuclear, pronunciation: nukliɜrfjuʒən part of speech: noun spinal fusion in spanish: fusión espinal, pronunciation: spaɪnəlfjuʒən part of speech: noun optical fusion in spanish: fusión óptica, pronunciation: ɑptɪkəlfjuʒən part of speech: noun nuclear fusion reaction in spanish: reacción de fusión nuclear, pronunciation: nukliɜrfjuʒənriækʃən part of speech: noun
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