Furtivo in english


pronunciation: fɜrtɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

furtivo = sneaky ; stealthy. 

Example: The article carries the title 'Holdouts and other sneaky vendor tactics: no one profits when providers keep searchers from finding information'.Example: In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.


» agente furtivainfiltrator  .

Example: We librarians are already infiltrators into the stale round of our readers' domestic daily life.

» cazador furtivopoacher  .

Example: The volunteers protected the eggs from poachers and helped the hatchlings get safely to the water.

» caza furtivapoaching .

Example: Their main aim is to reduce poaching in parks and wildlife preserves .

» caza furtiva de rinocerontesrhino poaching .

Example: Rhino poaching has reached a crisis point, and if the killing continues at this rate, we could soon see rhino deaths overtaking births.

» echar una mirada furtiva asteal + a glance atsteal + a look at .

Example: Strategies for minimizing such researcher effect included appearing to look elsewhere in the room, while stealing glances at the individual being observed.

Example: You can tell a lot about one's lifestyle and thoughts by stealing a look at his or her bookshelf.

Furtivo synonyms

sneak in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: snik part of speech: verb, noun covert in spanish: encubierto, pronunciation: koʊvɜrt part of speech: adjective surreptitious in spanish: subrepticio, pronunciation: sɜrəptɪʃəs part of speech: adjective sneaky in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: sniki part of speech: adjective stealthy in spanish: cauteloso, pronunciation: stelθi part of speech: adjective lurking in spanish: alfombrilla de ratón, pronunciation: lɜrkɪŋ part of speech: adjective concealed in spanish: excusado, pronunciation: kənsild part of speech: adjective skulking in spanish: escondido, pronunciation: skʌlkɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective backstairs in spanish: escalera de servicio, pronunciation: bæksterz part of speech: noun, adjective backstair in spanish: backstair, pronunciation: bækster part of speech: adjective
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