Furia in english


pronunciation: fjʊri part of speech: noun
In gestures

furia = fury ; rage ; wrath. 

Example: In a painfully detailed letter to the editor, Lespran allowed vent for her fury.Example: Librarians would find their jobs a lot easier if they were relieved of the responsibility of being all things to all people, and should encouraged to accept their own human fallibility and express their rage, frustration, and fears.Example: There is an element of scepticism about scholarly writing in the field of librarianship, and an element of fear of the wrath of those at the head of the profession.


» arranque de furiafit of ragefit of angeroutburst of angeroutburst of rageblaze of angerheat of passion .

Example: He was a brave novelist but also bad-tempered, churlish and subject to fits of rage.

Example: Temper tantrums and other fits of anger erode not only people's respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Example: He left the art world for seven years, returning only after a blaze of anger inspired him to create a piece showing his frustration.

Example: 'Heat of passion,' or 'diminished capacity' are forms of such mitigating circumstances = "Ataque de ira," o "capacidad disminuida" son algunas circunstancias atenuantes.

» arrebato de furiafit of ragefit of angeroutburst of angeroutburst of rageblaze of angerheat of passion .

Example: He was a brave novelist but also bad-tempered, churlish and subject to fits of rage.

Example: Temper tantrums and other fits of anger erode not only people's respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Example: He left the art world for seven years, returning only after a blaze of anger inspired him to create a piece showing his frustration.

Example: 'Heat of passion,' or 'diminished capacity' are forms of such mitigating circumstances = "Ataque de ira," o "capacidad disminuida" son algunas circunstancias atenuantes.

» ataque de furiafit of ragefit of angeroutburst of angeroutburst of rageblaze of angerheat of passion .

Example: He was a brave novelist but also bad-tempered, churlish and subject to fits of rage.

Example: Temper tantrums and other fits of anger erode not only people's respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Example: He left the art world for seven years, returning only after a blaze of anger inspired him to create a piece showing his frustration.

Example: 'Heat of passion,' or 'diminished capacity' are forms of such mitigating circumstances = "Ataque de ira," o "capacidad disminuida" son algunas circunstancias atenuantes.

» con furiawith a vengeancefuriously .

Example: However, as we shall see, the public librarian's dedication to his civilizing and stabilizing role in society was to surface with a vengeance in those times when the nation appeared threatened.

Example: A sentence may fill every requirement of syntax and be meaningless: Austin cites Chomsky's example 'Colourless green ideas sleep furiously'.

» irse hecho una furiastorm off .

Example: Last week I piled on poor Cam for his post-game press conference in which he stormed off before the questions had come to an end.

» marcharse hecho una furiastorm off .

Example: Last week I piled on poor Cam for his post-game press conference in which he stormed off before the questions had come to an end.

» ponerse hecho una furiago + berserkgo + postalgo + crazylose + Posesivo + temperlose + Posesivo + raggo into + meltdowngo + ape(-shit) (on) .

Example: It depicts fascism as a crusade for preserving literature's purity, a crusade that went berserk.

Example: You have also probably read about cases where an employee 'went postal' and entered a company building, shooting his boss and other employees.

Example: Sawer went crazy after the woman he was having an affair with was caught and her husband killed her.

Example: His father gave him a bag of nails, and told him to drive a nail in the fence in the backyard whenever he lost his temper.

Example: A Judge has slammed a police officer who 'lost his rag' and broke the jaw of the man he was arresting.

Example: The pressure of the competition finally got to her and her usual happy-go-lucky demeanour disappeared as she went into meltdown.

Example: My wife is a bit of a tree-hugger, so she went ape-shit when I ran over a frog.

» volver con furiacome back with + a vengeance .

Example: If you attempt to lose weight without cleansing out the toxins, the weight always comes back with a vengeance.

Furia synonyms

rage in spanish: rabia, pronunciation: reɪdʒ part of speech: noun frenzy in spanish: frenesí, pronunciation: frenzi part of speech: noun violence in spanish: violencia, pronunciation: vaɪələns part of speech: noun hysteria in spanish: histeria, pronunciation: hɪsteriə part of speech: noun craze in spanish: manía, pronunciation: kreɪz part of speech: noun delirium in spanish: delirio, pronunciation: dɪlɪriəm part of speech: noun madness in spanish: Locura, pronunciation: mædnəs part of speech: noun ferocity in spanish: ferocidad, pronunciation: fɜrɑsəti part of speech: noun vehemence in spanish: vehemencia, pronunciation: viəməns part of speech: noun wildness in spanish: desenfreno, pronunciation: waɪldnəs part of speech: noun fierceness in spanish: ferocidad, pronunciation: fɪrsnəs part of speech: noun furiousness in spanish: furia, pronunciation: fjɜriəsnəs part of speech: noun
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