Fundidor in english


pronunciation: faʊndɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

fundidor = founder. 

Example: The demand for the old faces came to an abrupt end and the founders withdrew them from sale, some even destroying the old punches and matrices as so much scrap.


» fundidor de tipospunch-cutter [punchcutter] [En tipografía, profesional que se dedica a fabricar tipos movibles de imprenta]type-founder [typefounder]cutter of type .

Example: In the earliest days of printing one or two printers may have cut their own punches, but even then most punch-cutters appear to have been specialist engravers such as die-sinkers or goldsmiths.

Example: In 1886 the leading type-founders of the United States agreed to use as a standard the pica of Mackellar, Smiths, and Jordan.

Example: To produce a printed book required coordinated teamwork by up to twenty such craftsmen, beginning with one highly skilled cutter of type, to a much larger number, maybe ten or more, of much less skilled bookbinders.

» máquina fundidora de tipostypecasting machine .

Example: A typecasting machine was developed in America by David Bruce in 1838 which was simple and effective = En 1838, David Bruce desarrolló en América una máquina fundidora de tipos sencilla y eficaz.

Fundidor synonyms

break in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun give in spanish: dar, pronunciation: gɪv part of speech: verb father in spanish: padre, pronunciation: fɑðɜr part of speech: noun collapse in spanish: colapso, pronunciation: kəlæps part of speech: noun, verb flop in spanish: fracaso, pronunciation: flɑp part of speech: noun beginner in spanish: principiante, pronunciation: bɪgɪnɜr part of speech: noun fall through in spanish: caer a través, pronunciation: fɔlθru part of speech: verb give way in spanish: Ceder el paso, pronunciation: gɪvweɪ part of speech: verb cave in in spanish: rendirse a, pronunciation: keɪvɪn part of speech: noun, verb fall in in spanish: desplomarse, pronunciation: fɔlɪn part of speech: verb laminitis in spanish: laminitis, pronunciation: lɑmənitɪs part of speech: noun fall flat in spanish: fracasará, pronunciation: fɔlflæt part of speech: verb founding father in spanish: padre fundador, pronunciation: faʊndɪŋfɑðɜr part of speech: noun
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