Fundamento in english


pronunciation: beɪsəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

fundamentar = found. 

Example: No citation order, no matter how well founded, will prove suitable for every searcher.


» fundamentar conclusiones enbase + judgement on .

Example: Sometimes it is wise for the rater to base judgment on written notes or a diary kept over a period of time.

» fundamentarse enbe grounded inbuild on/upon .

Example: Carrying this argument one step further, it is not unreasonable to assert that the public library's relationship to its community is grounded in the efforts and attiudes of the library staff.

Example: The system should build on existing resources, rather than develop expensive new programmes.

fundamento = basis [bases, -pl.] ; bedrock ; foundation ; fundamental ; underpinning ; warp and woof ; fundament. 

Example: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Example: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.Example: If this story is correct, it's the latest evidence that copyright law has become unmoored from its foundations.Example: The underlying fundamentals of abstracting are closely related to indexing.Example: The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.Example: Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.Example: As a consequence some cracks sneaked into the fundaments of this branch of physics.


» carecer de fundamentobe pointlessbe unfounded .

Example: In such cases consultation of the classified files would be pointless and frustrating to the user.

Example: This fear was expressed by publishers and booksellers when the first lending libraries were established and by and large it has proved to be unfounded.

» con fundamentosinformed .

Example: Even more reprehensible than the unsupported recollection is the guess, however well informed.

» con fundamentos sólidoswell-consideredwell-supported .

Example: A well-considered ideology cognizant of the nature of the materials cataloged is prerequisite and fundamental to the design of any viable cataloging system, and particularly one that is to command universal acceptance.

Example: What will convince your reader best are thoughtful, well-supported arguments.

» dejar sin fundamentosknock + the bottom out of .

Example: The aggravated situation provides new arguments for supporters of military intervention, and knocks the bottom out of the adherents of the diplomatic process.

» falto de fundamentowithout foundation .

Example: He acquits Brissot on all counts but finds that Darnton's suspicions were not entirely without foundation.

» falto de fundamentosunsupported .

Example: Even more reprehensible than the unsupported recollection is the guess, however well informed.

» fundamentosbackground .

Example: This article describes the Nordic online data base situation, outlining its background and future developments, as well as the supply of different kinds of data base.

» fundamentos del conocimiento, losfoundations of knowledge, the .

Example: But it is obvious that modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge.

» no sin fundamentonot without basis .

Example: Yet such suspicions are becoming more widespread, not without basis.

» no tener fundamentobe unfoundedbe pointless .

Example: This fear was expressed by publishers and booksellers when the first lending libraries were established and by and large it has proved to be unfounded.

Example: In such cases consultation of the classified files would be pointless and frustrating to the user.

» no tener ningún fundamentonot have a leg to stand on .

Example: Some lightbulb companies are still dragging their heels on the energy-saving lightbulb issue, but they haven't a leg to stand on.

» sin fundamentounsupportedungroundedwithout foundationwithout basisgroundless  ; baseless  .

Example: Even more reprehensible than the unsupported recollection is the guess, however well informed.

Example: This is an ungrounded notion = Ésta idea es infundada.

Example: He acquits Brissot on all counts but finds that Darnton's suspicions were not entirely without foundation.

Example: The imputation was totally without basis and was motivated purely by malice.

Example: In my opinion it is groundless, deplorable, dishonoring to our father (and to his work, not to mention the people to whom he dedicated his life).

Example: This lawsuit is not only baseless, it is an insult to the millions of law abiding gun owners in Texas and across this country.

» sin fundamento algunowithout any basis .

Example: This contention seems to have been raised only to contest the test results without any basis.

» tener fundamento para pensar quehave + reason to believe that .

Example: The Library Association has reason to believe that women, black and disabled people are not properly represented in UK libraries.

Fundamento synonyms

base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun ground in spanish: suelo, pronunciation: graʊnd part of speech: noun foundation in spanish: Fundación, pronunciation: faʊndeɪʃən part of speech: noun cornerstone in spanish: piedra angular, pronunciation: kɔrnɜrstoʊn part of speech: noun footing in spanish: pie, pronunciation: fʊtɪŋ part of speech: noun groundwork in spanish: trabajo preparatorio, pronunciation: graʊndwɜrk part of speech: noun fundament in spanish: fundamento, pronunciation: fʌndəmənt part of speech: noun
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