Fundamental in english


pronunciation: fəndəmentəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fundamental = core ; fundamental ; seminal ; substantive ; underlying ; pivotal ; prime ; ultimate ; constitutive ; basal ; cardinal ; foundational. 

Example: The core function of such a service was seen as giving information and advice, but other services might be added.Example: A fundamental theoretical rule of subject indexing is that each heading should be co-extensive with the subject of the document, that is, the label and the information or documents found under that label should match.Example: He has published seminal papers on automated cataloging and authority control in Library Journal, Library Quarterly, and Journal of Library Automation.Example: In Zimbabwe out of the seven universities with substantive librarians in the country, six of them were headed by women.Example: One of the functions which I have not specified is that the underlying ideology represented by the AACR aims first at fixing a location for an author and then for a work.Example: His position was pivotal because he was not only the organizer but also the financier and indeed the speculator of the book trade.Example: For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right -- prime mall location.Example: The whole project is undeniably full of sentimental, cinephiliac rapture, but it provided the ultimate opportunity for filmmakers to talk feverishly about the basic nature of their medium.Example: Three definitions of information are given: information as a resource, information as a commodity, and information as a constitutive force in society.Example: Basal textbooks, despite their well-publicized limitations in comparison with other media, remain the keystone of US school publishing.Example: To underestimate your enemy is committing the cardinal mistake and often the last you'll make!.Example: These foundational principles are the means by which we articulate what is and has been intrinsically important to the institution.


» actividad fundamentalcore activity .

Example: Based on these core activities, we estimate an annual operating budget of approximately $3.2M.

» categoría fundamentalfundamental category [Según Ranganathan, todas las áreas del conocimiento podían analizarse en cinco categorías básicas: Personalidad, Materia, Energía, Espacio y Tiempo] .

Example: You will remember Ranganathan postulates that all isolates in all areas of knowledge belong to one of five Fundamental Categories -Personality, Matter, Energy, Space or Time.

» de forma fundamentalcritically .

Example: These men critically and lastingly influenced the growth of the library.

» de fundamental importanciaof prime importancecritically important .

Example: The LC remains the centralised cataloguing agency of prime importance to American Libraries.

Example: When automated methods of communicating bibliographic information are used, standards become critically important.

» de importancia fundamentalcritically important .

Example: When automated methods of communicating bibliographic information are used, standards become critically important.

» de manera fundamentalcritically .

Example: These men critically and lastingly influenced the growth of the library.

» de modo fundamentalcritically .

Example: These men critically and lastingly influenced the growth of the library.

» disposición fundamentalbasic provision .

Example: With regard to patents, members of the WTO have the general obligation to comply with the basic provisions of the 1967 Paris Convention.

» fundamental, logist, the .

Example: It is the gist of this explanation that the librarian has to try to convey to the enquirer.

» idea fundamentalkeynote .

Example: Co-operative, carefully planned and financed internationally backed efforts have been the keynote of more recent activity.

» papel fundamentalpivotal role .

Example: Libraries play a pivotal rale in the social, cultural, educational and economic life of the community.

» plan fundamentalground plan .

Example: This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.

» principio fundamentalprincipium [principia, -pl.] .

Example: Incidentally, you published an article with Bob Hayes in which you use an example of Newton's Principia in a variety of languages.

» razón fundamentalrationale .

Example: The rationale, then, for a separate chapter of this work devoted to the cataloguing of the works of corporate bodies is threefold.

Fundamental synonyms

key in spanish: llave, pronunciation: ki part of speech: adjective, noun profound in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: proʊfaʊnd part of speech: adjective important in spanish: importante, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective significant in spanish: significativo, pronunciation: səgnɪfɪkənt part of speech: adjective basic in spanish: BASIC, pronunciation: beɪsɪk part of speech: adjective cardinal in spanish: cardenal, pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective underlying in spanish: subyacente, pronunciation: əndɜrlaɪɪŋ part of speech: adjective primal in spanish: primitivo, pronunciation: praɪməl part of speech: adjective rudimentary in spanish: rudimentario, pronunciation: rudəmentɜri part of speech: adjective central in spanish: central, pronunciation: sentrəl part of speech: adjective, noun fundamental frequency in spanish: frecuencia fundamental, pronunciation: fəndəmentəlfrikwənsi part of speech: noun first harmonic in spanish: primer armónico, pronunciation: fɜrsthɑrmɑnɪk part of speech: noun of import in spanish: de importacion, pronunciation: ʌvɪmpɔrt part of speech: adjective
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