Función in english


pronunciation: fʌŋkʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

función = capability ; feature ; function ; function ; purpose ; role ; hat ; functionality ; function. 

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS contains a so-called 'help' capability.Example: Another way of doing this search is to use the lateral searching feature.Example: The function of a catalog is to inform a library user whether or not the library contains a particular book specified by author and title.Example: Select a function from the menu by pressing the key listed to the left.Example: Chapters 7 and 8 introduced the problems associated with author cataloguing and have surveyed the purpose of cataloguing codes.Example: The role of analytical entries in an online catalogue is less clear.Example: The city librarian has commonly been a general cultural consultant, often with more than one hat, with the curatorship of the museum and/or art gallery as additional offices.Example: This article describes the functionality of CARL software for this purpose, loads a brief rundown of data bases, and gives the criteria for selecting data bases.Example: The workshop consisted of an inaugural function, a series of lectures, a panel discussion and a valedictory function.


» adaptarse a una funciónstep up to + a role .

Example: The author warns that if academic libraries do not step up to this educational role, other units on campus or commercial enterprises will fill the breach.

» adoptar una funciónstep up to + a role .

Example: The author warns that if academic libraries do not step up to this educational role, other units on campus or commercial enterprises will fill the breach.

» ambigüedad de funcionesrole ambiguity .

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» asumir una funcióntake upon + Reflexivo + role .

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

» claridad de funcionesrole clarity .

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» condicionado por la función que uno desempeñarole-conditioned .

Example: This article demonstrates that recognition of role-conditioned attributes of acquisitions departments can lead to expanded concepts of coordination and more sensitive management practices in the library.

» conferir una funciónconfer + a function .

Example: Local authorities carry out functions conferred on them by Acts of Parliament; for example, the provision of public amenities such as libraries, museums, swimming pools and car parks, waste collection and disposal, and the promotion of tourism.

» conflicto de funcionesrole conflict .

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» con una función destacadahigh profile [Referido a actos o personas que reciben mucha atención y del que todo el mundo habla] .

Example: The South African government is under pressure to bring rapid and high profile improvements to its schools = El gobierno de Sudáfrica está siendo presionado para que traiga mejoras rápidas y notorias a sus escuelas.

» cumplir + Posesivo + funcióndo + Posesivo + jobget + the job donedo + the job .

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

» cumplir una funciónfulfil + a function .

Example: Not all catalogues or other tools for the organisation of knowledge aim to fulfil all these functions, but this list shows the range of functions.

» definir una funciónformulate + a role .

Example: Once the public library's mission and roles have been formulated, the planning process can effectively begin.

» descripción de las funcionesjob description [Conjunto de tareas que la persona que ocupa un puesto de trabajo debe desempeñar]job profile .

Example: I have noticed in many walks of life, people doing jobs, paid or unpaid, in which they are floundering because they do not have what I might call a job description.

Example: To assist in your decision to apply, the following job profiles will give you a better idea of what employees in these positions do.

» desempeñando muchas funcionesin many capacities .

Example: He had worked in the library during summer and other vacations and in many capacities for two years.

» desempeñar bien una funciónperform + well .

Example: Under pressure from colleagues, superiors, and families to perform well, individual librarians develop ways in which to make their jobs easier.

» desempeñar + Posesivo + funciónfulfil + Posesivo + purpose .

Example: There are many kinds of library and information centre each fulfilling their own purpose.

» desempeñar + Posesivo + funcionesdo + Posesivo + business .

Example: And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government = Y los que manejemos el dinero público tendremos que responder de ello (gastar con prudencia, cambiar malos hábitos y hacer nuestro trabajo a la luz del día) porque sólo entonces podremos restablecer la confianza entre el pueblo y su gobierno.

» desempeñar una buena funciónproduce + the goods .

Example: At the end of the day, librarians must 'produce the goods' and prove their worth -- professionalism could get in the way.

» desempeñar una funciónfulfil + Posesivo + purposeperform + a functionplay + a roledischarge + Posesivo + functiondischarge + Posesivo + dutyperform + a rolearticulate + a rolefit into + the pictureplay + Posesivo + part .

Example: There are many kinds of library and information centre each fulfilling their own purpose.

Example: Equally the class numbers used on LC cards perform the same function.

Example: Role operators reflect the role that each concept plays in the context of this particular subject.

Example: This document prescribes a policy framework for discharging offical functions under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980.

Example: How this international agency discharges its political and economical duties is examined.

Example: I think we should all take to heart Lady Wootton's classic cutting of this Gordian knot, when she points out that social workers are not medicos, not psychologists, not sociologists, they are essentially experts in communication, performing a 'middleman' role.

Example: The failure of librarians to articulate their educational role has marginalized the librarian's contribution to teaching and learning.

Example: The author considers what responsibilities librarians have for the current decline in biological systems around the globe and where university libraries fit into this picture.

Example: Training, equipment and experience all play their part in the success of a search.

» distribución en función del génerogender distribution .

Example: Losses in the purchasing power of salaries were experienced imbalances in gender distribution among directors continued.

» ejecutar una funciónrun + a function .

Example: The overdues should be printed the same day this function is run so that they are properly dated.

» en función deaccording toas a function ofdepending on/upon .

Example: The headings will be arranged according to the filing sequence of the notation (for example, alphabetically for letters or numerically for numbers).

Example: A further ranking was therefore calculated showing the impact factor, ie the number of times a journal was cited as a function of the total number of articles it contained.

Example: The amount of statistical information maintained by a library will vary often depending on the size of the library.

» en funcionesacting + Cargo .

Example: During the last two years at the latter position, he also served as Acting Assistant Director of the Health Sciences Libraries.

» estar en función debe a function of .

Example: The level of specificity that is desirable in any index is a function of the collection being indexed, its use and its patrons.

» evaluación del impacto en función del génerogender-impact assessment .

Example: Gender-impact assessment will make the effects of economic policies on gender inequalities transparent.

» examinar la función de Algoinvestigate + role .

Example: A survey of music librarians was carried out to investigate the role of the Institute of Popular Music, UK, as a source of information on popular music.

» función bibliotecarialibrary function .

Example: The survey aimed to ascertain the degree of computerisation of any and all library functions in any type of school-related setting.

» función cognitivacognitive function .

Example: The author examines the relationship between tea consumption and oral health, bone health, thermogenesis, cognitive function, and kidney stones.

» función de autoediciónauthoring aidauthoring tool .

Example: Advanced text processors incorporate various authoring aids.

Example: This article describes some of the authoring tools available for use with Apple Computer's HyperCard software to permit the integration of voice to produce multimedia applications.

» función de consultaenquiry function .

Example: Read-only access to title, supplier, and patron and fund accounting information is provided by a suite of general enquiry functions.

» función de correcciónediting function .

Example: The system includes some other editing functions that can save time and typing.

» función de extracción y copiadopull function .

Example: The pull function allows you to copy terms from records into the query line.

» función de la bibliotecalibrary's function .

Example: A sound policy with respect to these categories requires a clear sense of the library's function and priorities.

» función de la correlación de los cosenoscosine correlation function .

Example: In the SMART experiments, the cosine correlation function was found to give somewhat better results.

» función de servicioservice function .

Example: Overwhelmingly, librarians were seen as professionals with a service function.

» función de solapamientooverlap function .

Example: A number of methods may be used to establish how closely a document description matches a search formulation, but the two most important developed by the SMART team are the cosine correlation coefficient and the overlap function.

» función dominantealpha role .

Example: The author explores the myths about female leaders; they are either too soft due to their predisposition as nurturers and thus are pushovers; or they are too assertive when they assume an alpha role in the organization.

» funciones de ediciónediting facilities .

Example: More sophisticated editors may offer full screen editing facilities, and automatic input and output.

» funciones del personalstaff duties .

Example: It is very important that staff duties, professional and non-professional, be noted.

» funciones del puesto de trabajoposition + entail + duty .

Example: The position of deputy librarian or deputy director exists in all but the smallest libraries, and there is a measure of agreement as to what his duties should entail.

» funciones de modificaciónediting facilities .

Example: More sophisticated editors may offer full screen editing facilities, and automatic input and output.

» función esencialvital role .

Example: Ironclad battleships played a vital role during the Civil War assault on Charleston.

» función motoramotor function .

Example: Canine epilepsy is a chronic condition that drastically limits a dog's control of motor functions.

» función motrizmotor function .

Example: Canine epilepsy is a chronic condition that drastically limits a dog's control of motor functions.

» función por teclakeyboard function .

Example: When you are viewing your results, the following keyboard functions are available to assist you: CTRL+PGDN to display the next record and HOME to display first screen of current record.

» función vitalvital role .

Example: Ironclad battleships played a vital role during the Civil War assault on Charleston.

» hacer + Posesivo + funcióndo + the jobdo + Posesivo + jobget + the job done .

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

» hacerse cargo de una funciónshoulder + a role .

Example: Even if she hadn't shouldered that role, few would have questioned her authority to rule the roost.

» hacerse responsable de una funciónshoulder + a role .

Example: Even if she hadn't shouldered that role, few would have questioned her authority to rule the roost.

» indicador de funciónoperatorrole indicator [Símbolo de una lista especial que se le une a un descriptor para indicar el sentido que tiene] .

Example: Each operator has a filing value which has been designate in order to ensure that terms appear in the index string in an order that will produce a meaningful set of index entries.

Example: A role indicator is an auxiliary symbol that may be chosen from a special list and attached to a descriptor to indicate in which sense the descriptor is being used.

» intercambiar funcionesswap + roles [También escrito swop roles] .

Example: Lyrically this song is about a man telling his lady they are going to trade places and swap roles.

» inversión de funcionesreversal of rolesrole reversal .

Example: The French Revolution was a drama in itself with the reversal of roles (royalists and revolutionaries).

Example: Role reversal seeks to answer some of these questions by having ordinary men and women switch genders for a month.

» operador de funciónrole .

Example: Roles were codes assigned to concepts to represent the role that a specific concept played in a given document.

» que se concede en función de las necesidades económicasmeans-tested .

Example: For years a most intractable and disturbing problem has been the low take-up of means-tested benefits.

» rol establecido en función del sexogender role .

Example: The article is entitled 'Fear of women in suits: dealing with gender roles in librarianship'.

» seleccionar una funcióninvoke + function .

Example: When this subfunction is invoked, the user is first asked to identify the branch to which the loan policy applies.

» servir una doble funciónpull + double dutydo + double duty .

Example: Check out these products that pull double-duty and can cut your makeup budget in half.

Example: A lot of common household items can be surprisingly helpful when you prep your dinner -- everything from a hammer to a hair dryer and rubber bands can do double duty in the kitchen.

» tecla de funciónfunction key .

Example: However, to ease the transition from menu-assisted searching to command search, most of the menus from Easy Menu Search can be accessed in Command Search via function keys.

» tecla de función del programaprogramme function key .

Example: The program function keys (PF), an optional feature of the terminal, can be programmed to provide the user with special input capabilities.

» tener la doble funcióndouble asdouble up as .

Example: The small art gallery, which often features local crafts, doubles as a room for seniors to play euchre, the local shoe repair man to teach chess, community leaders to plan special action, and so on.

Example: With these models the screen itself doubles up as a translucent projection panel for projection by an overhead projector.

» tener la función debe in the business of .

Example: Although the library landscape may shift a great deal, reference librarians will still be in the business of negotiating with users and helping them find what they need.

» tener una doble funcióndo + double dutypull + double duty .

Example: A lot of common household items can be surprisingly helpful when you prep your dinner -- everything from a hammer to a hair dryer and rubber bands can do double duty in the kitchen.

Example: Check out these products that pull double-duty and can cut your makeup budget in half.

Función synonyms

run in spanish: correr, pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb work in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrk part of speech: noun, verb purpose in spanish: propósito, pronunciation: pɜrpəs part of speech: noun office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb part in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun procedure in spanish: procedimiento, pronunciation: prəsidʒɜr part of speech: noun serve in spanish: servir, pronunciation: sɜrv part of speech: verb role in spanish: papel, pronunciation: roʊl part of speech: noun routine in spanish: rutina, pronunciation: rutin part of speech: adjective, noun operate in spanish: funcionar, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪt part of speech: verb officiate in spanish: oficiar, pronunciation: əfɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb subroutine in spanish: subrutina, pronunciation: səbraʊtaɪn part of speech: noun subprogram in spanish: subprograma, pronunciation: sʌbproʊgræm part of speech: noun mathematical function in spanish: función matemática, pronunciation: mæθəmætɪkəlfʌŋkʃən part of speech: noun
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