Fullero in english


pronunciation: tʃit part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

fullero = cardsharp ; tricky ; cheat. 

Example: He was a cold-blooded killer, cardsharp, gambler and a consumptive who also ran several confidence scams.Example: She was tricky and she had the house keys first and when I got to the house all her stuff was in the big room and she 'bagsed' it first.Example: Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.

Fullero synonyms

beat in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun screw in spanish: tornillo, pronunciation: skru part of speech: noun cuckold in spanish: cornudo, pronunciation: kʌkəld part of speech: noun shaft in spanish: eje, pronunciation: ʃæft part of speech: noun wander in spanish: deambular, pronunciation: wɑndɜr part of speech: verb tare in spanish: tara, pronunciation: ter part of speech: noun betray in spanish: traicionar, pronunciation: bɪtreɪ part of speech: verb swindle in spanish: estafa, pronunciation: swɪndəl part of speech: noun, verb jockey in spanish: jockey, pronunciation: dʒɑki part of speech: noun chess in spanish: ajedrez, pronunciation: tʃes part of speech: noun chicane in spanish: crítica, pronunciation: tʃəkeɪn part of speech: noun sell short in spanish: vender corto, pronunciation: selʃɔrt part of speech: verb darnel in spanish: darnel, pronunciation: dɑrnəl part of speech: noun chouse in spanish: lo elegido, pronunciation: tʃaʊs part of speech: verb trickster in spanish: embaucador, pronunciation: trɪkstɜr part of speech: noun cheater in spanish: tramposo, pronunciation: tʃitɜr part of speech: noun rip off in spanish: arrancar, pronunciation: rɪpɔf part of speech: verb cheating in spanish: engañando, pronunciation: tʃitɪŋ part of speech: noun deceiver in spanish: engañador, pronunciation: dɪsivɜr part of speech: noun cheat on in spanish: engañar a, pronunciation: tʃitɑn part of speech: verb bearded darnel in spanish: darnel barbudo, pronunciation: bɪrdəddɑrnəl part of speech: noun lolium temulentum in spanish: lolium temulentum, pronunciation: loʊliəmtemjəlentəm part of speech: noun bromus secalinus in spanish: bromus secalinus, pronunciation: broʊməsɪkəlɪnəs part of speech: noun
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