Frotis in english


pronunciation: smɪr part of speech: noun
In gestures

frotis = Pap smear ; cervical smear ; cervical screening ; smear test. 

Example: The previous year, before the program was launched, a Pap smear was taken from 43% of women.Example: All patients were examined, and cervical smear was performed after interview.Example: In conclusion, the study supports the 2003 recommendations for changes to cervical screening intervals.Example: If a woman is not having periods or is menopausal, she can attend for her smear test at any time as long as there is no bleeding.


» frotis cervicalsmear testcervical screeningcervical smearPap smear .

Example: If a woman is not having periods or is menopausal, she can attend for her smear test at any time as long as there is no bleeding.

Example: In conclusion, the study supports the 2003 recommendations for changes to cervical screening intervals.

Example: All patients were examined, and cervical smear was performed after interview.

Example: The previous year, before the program was launched, a Pap smear was taken from 43% of women.

» frotis vaginalsmear testcervical screeningPap smear .

Example: If a woman is not having periods or is menopausal, she can attend for her smear test at any time as long as there is no bleeding.

Example: In conclusion, the study supports the 2003 recommendations for changes to cervical screening intervals.

Example: The previous year, before the program was launched, a Pap smear was taken from 43% of women.

Frotis synonyms

spot in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: spɑt part of speech: noun slander in spanish: calumnia, pronunciation: slændɜr part of speech: noun denigrate in spanish: denigrar, pronunciation: denəgreɪt part of speech: verb stain in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: steɪn part of speech: noun, verb blur in spanish: difuminar, pronunciation: blɜr part of speech: noun, verb slur in spanish: calumnia, pronunciation: slɜr part of speech: noun, verb sully in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: sʌli part of speech: noun blot in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: blɑt part of speech: noun, verb smudge in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: smʌdʒ part of speech: noun daub in spanish: embadurnar, pronunciation: dɔb part of speech: noun, verb defame in spanish: difamar, pronunciation: dɪfeɪm part of speech: verb besmirch in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: besmɜrk part of speech: verb calumniate in spanish: calumniar, pronunciation: kəlʌmnieɪt part of speech: verb asperse in spanish: difamar, pronunciation: əspɜrs part of speech: verb smirch in spanish: mancillar, pronunciation: smɜrtʃ part of speech: noun, verb vilification in spanish: vilipendio, pronunciation: vɪləfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun bedaub in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: bədaʊb part of speech: verb smutch in spanish: smutch, pronunciation: smʌtʃ part of speech: verb besmear in spanish: embadurnar, pronunciation: besmɪr part of speech: verb malignment in spanish: malignidad, pronunciation: məlaɪnmənt part of speech: noun
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