pronunciation: freɪm
part of speech: noun
fotograma = frame ; still ; film still ; movie still ; shot ; photo still ; photographic still.
Example: The microfiche is a common form for catalogues and indexes, usually 208 or 270 frames per fiche, in a piece of film and with a reduction ratio of 42 or 48:1.Example: This speed is necessary in television, for motion pictures rather than stills as the object.Example: The author traces the history behind cinematic photography and film stills.Example: The images discussed are mostly photographs and movie stills.Example: Each video shot is logged using text descriptions, audio dialogue, and cinematic attributes.Example: The film is a collection of photo stills merged to create a piece where you experience a character in a state of daydream.Example: This photographic still features a masonry stone wall with rocks in a very wide range of colors and textures.
» de fotograma completo
= full-frame
Example: Most film-strips are full-frame but some are half-frame, ie they have two smaller pictures occupying the same area as would normally be filled by one.
» de fotograma doble
= half-frame
Example: Most film-strips are full-frame but some are half-frame, ie they have two smaller pictures occupying the same area as would normally be filled by one.
» fotograma a fotograma
= shot by shot
Example: The video story will be told shot by shot on paper as sketches to aid in communication of ideas before filming begins.
» fotograma de vídeo
= video frame
Example: Future video applications such as video editing demand a random access capability at video frame level.
Fotograma synonyms
in spanish: emitir,
pronunciation: kæst
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: formar,
pronunciation: fɔrm
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: construir,
pronunciation: bɪld
part of speech: verb
in spanish: poner,
pronunciation: pʊt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: figura,
pronunciation: fɪgjɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: forma,
pronunciation: ʃeɪp
part of speech: noun
in spanish: redactar,
pronunciation: rɪdækt
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: contorno,
pronunciation: aʊtlaɪn
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: marco de referencia,
pronunciation: freɪmwɜrk
part of speech: noun
in spanish: sofá,
pronunciation: kaʊtʃ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: componer,
pronunciation: kəmpoʊz
part of speech: verb
in spanish: frontera,
pronunciation: bɔrdɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: chasis,
pronunciation: tʃæsi
part of speech: noun
in spanish: carne,
pronunciation: fleʃ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: anatomía,
pronunciation: ənætəmi
part of speech: noun
set up
in spanish: preparar,
pronunciation: setʌp
part of speech: verb, adjective
in spanish: esqueleto,
pronunciation: skelətən
part of speech: noun
in spanish: soma,
pronunciation: soʊmə
part of speech: noun
in spanish: cuerpo,
pronunciation: bɑd
part of speech: noun
in spanish: físico,
pronunciation: fəzik
part of speech: noun
in spanish: entrampar,
pronunciation: ɪnsner
part of speech: verb
in spanish: entrampar,
pronunciation: ɪntræp
part of speech: verb
in spanish: inning,
pronunciation: ɪnɪŋ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: enmarcado,
pronunciation: freɪmɪŋ
part of speech: noun
draw up
in spanish: dibujar,
pronunciation: drɔʌp
part of speech: verb
in spanish: marco inferior,
pronunciation: ʌndɜrfreɪm
part of speech: noun
material body
in spanish: cuerpo material,
pronunciation: mətɪriəlbɑdi
part of speech: noun
human body
in spanish: cuerpo humano,
pronunciation: hjumənbɑdi
part of speech: noun
physical body
in spanish: cuerpo físico,
pronunciation: fɪzɪkəlbɑdi
part of speech: noun
frame in
in spanish: marco en,
pronunciation: freɪmɪn
part of speech: verb