Faro in english


pronunciation: laɪthaʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

faro = spotlight ; lighthouse ; headlight ; beacon ; beacon light ; headlamp. 

Example: Plenty of light, with a display spotlight if possible, should illuminate the exhibition (a number of inexpensive, safe little spotlights intended for the job are now on the market).Example: Many private companies, oil-rig workers and lighthouse keepers are benefitting from this library service.Example: Chapter 10 covers the following: changing oil filter; checking automatic transmission fluid; replacing fan belt; and replacing headlight.Example: Zebra crossings consist of thick black and white strips across a road with an orange flashing beacon on either pavement.Example: The article 'Under the beacon light of a great inspiring teacher' is included in a special festschrift issue celebrating the 71st birthday of Professor P. N. Kaula.Example: By law a motor vehicle is allowed only 55 Watts consumption headlamp and stoplamp bulbs.


» conmutador de farosheadlight flasherheadlamp flasher .

Example: My headlight flasher does not work, but I can change from high to low beam.

Example: According to the Highway Code, the headlamp flashers are to be used in the same way as the horn, a warning of your presence and that is how you should use them.

» faro antinieblafog lightfog lamp .

Example: As the name implies, a fog light is used to enhance road visibility during foggy or misty conditions.

Example: Current legislation does make it an infringement to drive with fog lamps on whist visibility is good.

» faro antiniebla delanterofront fog lightfront fog lamp .

Example: In visibility of less than 100 yards, one may use front fog lights.

Example: Why are so many people driving around with their front fog lamps on?.

» faro antiniebla traserorear fog lightrear fog lamptail fog lamptail fog light .

Example: When I depress the switch on the fascia, the rear fog light goes on.

Example: For several years now, a rear fog lamp has been mandatory for trailers and caravans in order to improve visibility under foggy conditions.

Example: The tail fog lamp only switches on if the headlights are on.

Example: I took my car to Germany and to get it on the road, they required a tail fog light!.

Faro synonyms

beacon in spanish: Faro, pronunciation: bikən part of speech: noun pharos in spanish: pharos, pronunciation: feroʊz part of speech: noun beacon light in spanish: Faro de luz, pronunciation: bikənlaɪt part of speech: noun
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