Fantasmagórico in english


pronunciation: fæntæsməgɔrɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fantasmagórico = eerie ; ghostly . 

Example: Undoubtedly in Dickens's 'Oliver Twist' we are meant to feel the eerie terror of Oliver's first night spent with the coffins in the undertaker's workshop, where he is made to sleep.Example: Run for your lives! It seems that some normally angelic children from the neighbouhood have been replaced by some ghostly and ghoulish characters and are coming to get YOU!.

Fantasmagórico synonyms

surreal in spanish: surrealista, pronunciation: sɜril part of speech: adjective phantasmagorical in spanish: fantasmagórico, pronunciation: fæntæsməgɔrɪkəl part of speech: adjective unrealistic in spanish: poco realista, pronunciation: ənrilɪstɪk part of speech: adjective surrealistic in spanish: surrealista, pronunciation: sɜrilɪstɪk part of speech: adjective
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