Falsificación in english


pronunciation: fælsəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

falsificación = forgery ; counterfeiting ; fake ; falsification ; fakery. 

Example: Examples include: Border patrols, Forgeries, Birds, Spelunkers, Train robberies, etc.Example: The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.Example: This article presents a review of the problems for archivists in identifying fakes and facsimiles in manuscripts and other documents.Example: This article touches upon issues concerning falsification and copyright, legal requirements regarding work with VDUs and controls placed upon the length of time working at VDUs and as ergonomic issues.Example: It is too easy to be the victim of fraud and fakery on Ebay.

Falsificación synonyms

falsehood in spanish: falsedad, pronunciation: fælshʊd part of speech: noun refutation in spanish: refutación, pronunciation: refjuteɪʃən part of speech: noun misrepresentation in spanish: tergiversación, pronunciation: mɪsreprɪzenteɪʃən part of speech: noun disproof in spanish: refutación, pronunciation: dɪspruf part of speech: noun refuting in spanish: refutando, pronunciation: rɪfjutɪŋ part of speech: verb disproving in spanish: refutando, pronunciation: dɪspruvɪŋ part of speech: verb falsifying in spanish: falsificando, pronunciation: fɔlsəfaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun confuting in spanish: confutando, pronunciation: kənfjutɪŋ part of speech: verb
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