Falsa in english


pronunciation: fɔls part of speech: adjective
In gestures

falso = dummy ; false ; sham ; spurious ; unauthentic ; faked ; untrue ; bogus ; deceitful ; pseudo ; fake ; two-faced ; inauthentic ; phony [phoney] ; meretricious ; counterfeit ; insincere ; hocus pocus ; specious ; dishonest ; mendacious ; delusional ; trumped-up ; hokey ; disingenuous. 

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS, therefore, assigns them the dummy master number zero.Example: The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.Example: A sham catalog is a disservice to the user, and participating in the creation of a sham catalog is personally degrading to a professional.Example: Examples would include giving a spurious impression of busyness at the reference desk.Example: So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).Example: Libri was accused of stealing manuscripts of unique importance and rarity from French provincial libraries in the 1840s and inserting faked notes of provenance, substituting Italian place names for French ones.Example: Public library collections are of little use to scholars and have failed to provide the communications links that might prove this hypothesis untrue.Example: The article 'A bogus and dismal science, or the eggplant that ate library schools' discusses the reasons for the perennial professional indentity crisis amongst librarians.Example: Again, on the matter of the sources already consulted by the enquirer, the implication is not that he is unreliable or deceitful, but that in looking up the Encyclopedia Americana he may not be aware of the existence of the index.Example: Sometimes authors write 'pseudo abstracts' to meet deadlines for articles or for talks to be delivered.Example: This article deals with the detection of fake letters and documents.Example: This course looks at this two-faced society with guided field trips to cemeteries and to the architecture of Edinburgh's underworld below the great banks and public buildings.Example: Much of the culture of Western democracies has increasingly become inauthentic or phony.Example: Much of the culture of Western democracies has increasingly become inauthentic or phony.Example: The responsibility of the critic must be to maintain rigorous standards, and strive to alert the public to the implications for the future of a market flooded with meretricious productions.Example: Criminal charges are to be brought against 3 people after the seizure of counterfeit copies of British Telecom's PhoneDisc, a CD-ROM database containing the company's 100 or so telephone directories.Example: There is a point when participation may become mere meddling and insincere.Example: The final section of her paper calls attention to the 'hocus pocus' research conducted on many campuses.Example: This comparative frame of reference is specious and irrelevant on several counts.Example: Mostly facsimiles are made without dishonest intent, although some have certainly been intended to deceive, and the ease with which they can be identified varies with the reproduction process used.Example: I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.Example: Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.Example: Our country's leaders have used many a 'trumped-up pretext' to invade other countries well into the 21st century.Example: This may seem like a rather hokey example, but it illustrates very well the principles of divide-and-conquer.Example: We've gone from disheartened, to feeling the governor is disingenuous, to feeling the governor has outright lied.


» abeto falsospruce .

Example: Both balsam firs and spruces compensate for the loss of this foliage with prolific epicormic shoot production.

» acusación falsatrumped-up charge .

Example: They slammed her in jail on a trumped-up charge because she exercised her civil rights and made them angry.

» alegación falsaipse dixit .

Example: Readers, he maintains, will wince at this illegal ipse dixit.

» amigo falsofalse friend .

Example: False friends are worst than bitter enemies.

» billete falsofake currency note .

Example: The menace of fake currency notes has grown so much in border areas of India and Nepal that it has become a part of the local economy.

» cargo falsotrumped-up charge .

Example: They slammed her in jail on a trumped-up charge because she exercised her civil rights and made them angry.

» charlatanería falsacant .

Example: His book merits high praise for its thoroughness and complete lack of cant.

» costilla falsafalse rib .

Example: However, instead of being attached directly to the sternum in front, the false ribs are attached to the lowest true rib.

» crear falsas ilusionescreate + false illusions .

Example: The American Library Association and others are making wildly improbable statements creating false illusions throughout the library world.

» dar falsas esperanzasstring + Nombre + alonglead + Nombre + ongive + Nombre + false hopesgive + Nombre + false promiseslead + Nombre + on .

Example: If you don't have feelings for him any more it's not good to keep stringing him along.

Example: It's not fair to lead her on, it will just make things worse!.

Example: He gave her false hopes and took every penny he could from her.

Example: Either he raped the maid or he had sex with her by giving her false promises.

Example: It's not fair to lead her on, it will just make things worse!.

» dar una falsa impresiónkeep up + a facadeput on + an act .

Example: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.

Example: Singers, dancers, and actors must now all know how to sing, dance and put on an act.

» dar un paso en falsomake + a false move .

Example: A man with a gun said, 'If you make a false move, you're dead'.

» democracia falsatravesty democracy .

Example: This travesty of democracy is the cause of our economic woe.

» diamante falsorhinestone .

Example: These unique hair claws covered with rhinestone are a stepped-up version of today's most popular accessories.

» dinero falsificadofake money .

Example: Knowing that his sight was not quite perfect, his customers sometimes paid him with fake money.

» dinero falsofake currencycounterfeit currencycounterfeit moneyfake money .

Example: It is based on the true story of the Nazis' foiled scheme to collapse the US and UK economies by flooding America and England with fake currency.

Example: There may be as much as $1 billion in counterfeit currency in worldwide circulation.

Example: Utah's circulation of counterfeit money has doubled in the past two years, despite new security features.

Example: Knowing that his sight was not quite perfect, his customers sometimes paid him with fake money.

» documento falsoforged documentfake document .

Example: The way they tried to stonewall and brazen out the forged document scandal suggests that they didn't realize the extent to which their monopoly was gone.

Example: Unfortunately, there are thousands of students who have succeeded to obtain student visa with fake documents.

» engañar con falsas esperanzasstring + Nombre + along .

Example: If you don't have feelings for him any more it's not good to keep stringing him along.

» erradicar falsas ideaserase + misconceptions .

Example: Measurement of library activities can provide the evidence to erase misconceptions and add weight to those aspects of service that present a more powerful image = La medición de las actividades bibliotecarias puede proporcionar las pruebas necesarias para erradicar falsas ideas y apoyar aquellos aspectos del servicio que presentan una mejor imagen de la biblioteca.

» erradicar una falsa ideadispel + an idea .

Example: The author aims to present Delphi as a practical method and to dispel the idea that Delphi is more of a guessing game.

» falsa alabanzalip service .

Example: Lip service (and reading gets plenty of that in educational circles) is not enough.

» falsa alarmafalse alarmfalse alert .

Example: The 1979 incident was not the only false alarm to nearly trigger nuclear war.

Example: Many users have already disabled the feature due to false alerts.

» falsa alertafalse alert .

Example: Many users have already disabled the feature due to false alerts.

» falsa esperanzafalse hope .

Example: However, false hope provided by false prophets that robs desperate people of their dignity and their money remains illegal in this country.

» falsa identidadfalse identity .

Example: His trial heard he tried to 'avoid dirtying his hands' by hiring others to run the firm and adopting a false identity.

» falsa ilusióndelusion .

Example: The article 'Illusions, delusions, conclusions' reminds searchers that the most important issue when looking at search results is to make sure that all information is reliable and true.

» falsa inmodestiafalse immodesty .

Example: We neither lack in ambition nor suffer from false immodesty.

» falsa modestiafalse modesty .

Example: False modesty is only one of a series of feigned behaviours.

» falsa política de integración de minoríastokenism  .

Example: Some of the barriers faced by women seeking senior international appointments are: glass ceiling; trailing spouse; career vs. long term relationship and children; lack of mentors; tokenism; and exclusion from networks.

» falsa pretensiónfalse pretence .

Example: That is what he does now, only now there is a lot of palaver and humbug and pretense of deliberation, which the bill proposes to continue, but which everybody can see would be a false pretense.

» falsa promesafalse promise .

Example: In essence a great idea, but in reality lots of false promises.

» falsa sensación de seguridadfalse sense of security .

Example: The problem can be compounded because people also usually overvalue their houses, often by as much as 20 per cent, giving them a false sense of security.

» falsa verdadfalse truth .

Example: Over the last year he has pushed her around, fed her false truths, built up her hopes then crashed them to the ground.

» falso pretextofalse pretence .

Example: That is what he does now, only now there is a lot of palaver and humbug and pretense of deliberation, which the bill proposes to continue, but which everybody can see would be a false pretense.

» falso sentimientofalse sentiment .

Example: After the shootings came an orgy of mawkishness, sloppiness, and false sentiment.

» falso testimonioperjury .

Example: He was tried for perjury in 1685, duly convicted, and sentenced to jail.

» hablar en falsospeak with + a split tonguespeak with + a forked tonguespeak with + a twisted tongue .

Example: Who is there still to trust if even the most 'reputable' and highly paid accountants, auditors and finance analysts speak with a split tongue.

Example: Instead, he opted to speak with a forked tongue, intoning the rhetoric of peace in English while speaking the language of armed struggle in Arabic.

Example: Do not on these high matters speak with a twisted tongue; do not use words with double meanings; do not use sentences with hidden purposes.

» hacer un movimiento en falsomake + a false move .

Example: A man with a gun said, 'If you make a false move, you're dead'.

» historia falsabogus story .

Example: If they failed to fully investigate the rape claim they could be on the rack for publishing a bogus story.

» idea falsamisconception  ; bogus ideaillusion [Falso amigo] .

Example: Another lingering misconception is that reference work is restricted to reference libraries.

Example: Hollywood is expounding the idea that the art world is full of bogus ideas, false values, and kinky sex.

Example: A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.

» identidad falsafalse identity .

Example: His trial heard he tried to 'avoid dirtying his hands' by hiring others to run the firm and adopting a false identity.

» llamada de emergencia falsahoax (phone) callprank (phone) call .

Example: In 2005, it received over 9000 hoax phone calls, the highest number of all the fire brigades in the United Kingdom.

Example: I guess at some point in our lives we have definitely been victims of prank calls!.

» lujo falsopseudoluxuries .

Example: In times of economic constraint, the pseudoluxuries of duplication, overlap, and competition cannot be indulged or even tolerated.

» movimiento en falsofalse move .

Example: In this perspective, fallacies are false moves employed in the attacker's efforts to refute the defender's thesis.

» nivel jerárquico falsofalse link .

Example: Whatever the reason, a step of false subordination, revealed in the analysis of a chain, is referred to as a 'false link' in the chain.

» pasaporte falsoforged passport .

Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.

» paso en falsofalse move .

Example: In this perspective, fallacies are false moves employed in the attacker's efforts to refute the defender's thesis.

» pista falsared herring [Algo que distrae del tema que se debate]dead cat [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo] .

Example: They present the teacher with plenty of opportunities for 'red herrings,' which the students can be allowed to follow when the teacher judges the time is right.

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» principiante falsofalse beginner [Principiante que no lo es tal por poseer algunos conocimientos básicos de una materia] .

Example: False beginners will all have had some English training at some point in the past and this can cause some special problems.

» resultar falsoprove + false .

Example: 17 answers (44% ) proved satisfactory up to a point whereas 9 answers (23% ) proved false or inadequate.

» sonar falsohave + a hollow ring .

Example: Justification has a hollow ring without a firm rationale for existence and survival in this fluid society.

» sonrisa falsacheesy smile .

Example: What annoys people about Americans is that we have these big cheesy smiles on our faces all of the time, for no apparent reason whatsoever.

» toma falsaouttake [Sección eliminada de la versión final de una película o grabación sonora] .

Example: This is an outtake from Wolfe's follow up to his 1987 'Bonfire of the Vanities'.

Falsa synonyms

specious in spanish: especioso, pronunciation: spiʃəs part of speech: adjective wrong in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: rɔŋ part of speech: adjective hollow in spanish: hueco, pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: adjective, noun mendacious in spanish: mendaz, pronunciation: mendeɪʃəs part of speech: adjective sour in spanish: agrio, pronunciation: saʊɜr part of speech: adjective sham in spanish: impostor, pronunciation: ʃæm part of speech: noun, adjective faux in spanish: falso, pronunciation: foʊ part of speech: adjective fake in spanish: falso, pronunciation: feɪk part of speech: adjective, noun counterfeit in spanish: falsificación, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrfɪt part of speech: adjective, noun artificial in spanish: artificial, pronunciation: ɑrtəfɪʃəl part of speech: adjective invalid in spanish: inválido, pronunciation: ɪnvələd part of speech: adjective, noun fictitious in spanish: ficticio, pronunciation: fɪktɪʃəs part of speech: adjective imitation in spanish: imitación, pronunciation: ɪməteɪʃən part of speech: noun dishonest in spanish: deshonesto, pronunciation: dɪsɑnəst part of speech: adjective assumed in spanish: ficticio, pronunciation: əsumd part of speech: adjective put on in spanish: ponerse, pronunciation: pʊtɑn part of speech: verb, adjective mistaken in spanish: equivocado, pronunciation: mɪsteɪkən part of speech: adjective unreal in spanish: irreal, pronunciation: ənril part of speech: adjective incorrect in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: ɪnkɜrekt part of speech: adjective insincere in spanish: insincero, pronunciation: ɪnsɪnsɪr part of speech: adjective fictive in spanish: ficticio, pronunciation: fɪktɪv part of speech: adjective untrue in spanish: falso, pronunciation: əntru part of speech: adjective imitative in spanish: imitativo, pronunciation: ɪməteɪtɪv part of speech: adjective delusive in spanish: engañoso, pronunciation: dɪlusɪv part of speech: adjective inconstant in spanish: inconstante, pronunciation: ɪnkɑnstənt part of speech: adjective simulated in spanish: simulado, pronunciation: sɪmjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective unrealistic in spanish: poco realista, pronunciation: ənrilɪstɪk part of speech: adjective pretended in spanish: fingido, pronunciation: pritendəd part of speech: adjective dishonorable in spanish: deshonroso, pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective inharmonious in spanish: inarmónico, pronunciation: ɪnhɑrmoʊniəs part of speech: adjective off-key in spanish: fuera de tono, pronunciation: ɔfki part of speech: adjective treacherously in spanish: a traición, pronunciation: tritʃrəsli part of speech: adverb faithlessly in spanish: sin fe, pronunciation: feɪθləsli part of speech: adverb unharmonious in spanish: inarmónico, pronunciation: ənhɑrmoʊniəs part of speech: adjective treasonably in spanish: traicionero, pronunciation: trizənəbli part of speech: adverb traitorously in spanish: traidoramente, pronunciation: treɪtɜrəsli part of speech: adverb
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