Facha in english


pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

facha1 = righty. 

Example: The righties in this country keep yammering about 'we shouldn't be giving terrorists the same rights Americans enjoy'.

facha2 = appearance ; look. 

Example: Magazines published by USA automobile clubs are disparate in appearance and frequency, but may contain valuable reference material.Example: We went head-to-head with those that wanted a uniform look for the whole library Website!.

Facha synonyms

face in spanish: cara, pronunciation: feɪs part of speech: noun, verb see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb search in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: sɜrtʃ part of speech: noun spirit in spanish: espíritu, pronunciation: spɪrət part of speech: noun feel in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: fil part of speech: verb aspect in spanish: aspecto, pronunciation: æspekt part of speech: noun front in spanish: frente, pronunciation: frʌnt part of speech: noun tone in spanish: tono, pronunciation: toʊn part of speech: noun attend in spanish: asistir, pronunciation: ətend part of speech: verb expression in spanish: expresión, pronunciation: ɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun expect in spanish: esperar, pronunciation: ɪkspekt part of speech: verb wait in spanish: Espere, pronunciation: weɪt part of speech: verb appear in spanish: Aparecer, pronunciation: əpɪr part of speech: verb smell in spanish: oler, pronunciation: smel part of speech: noun, verb feeling in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: filɪŋ part of speech: noun seem in spanish: parecer, pronunciation: sim part of speech: verb flavor in spanish: sabor, pronunciation: fleɪvɜr part of speech: noun await in spanish: esperar, pronunciation: əweɪt part of speech: verb looking in spanish: mirando, pronunciation: lʊkɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective take care in spanish: Cuídate, pronunciation: teɪkker part of speech: verb facial expression in spanish: expresión facial, pronunciation: feɪʃəlɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun looking at in spanish: mirando a, pronunciation: lʊkɪŋæt part of speech: noun
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