Extranjero in english


pronunciation: fɔrən part of speech: adjective
In gestures

extranjero1 = foreigner ; outlander ; expat ; foreign national ; alien ; visitor from another country. 

Example: Donations from foreigners and expatriate Guyanese have been critical to maintaining book lists at the National Library.Example: 'Small, near-sighted, dreaming, bruised, an outlander in the city of his birth,' thirteen-year-old Aremis Slake fled one day to the only refuge he knew, the New York subway system.Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish.Example: All persons in the United States, including foreign nationals, have certain basic rights that must be respected.Example: He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.Example: All drivers, including visitors from other countries, must carry their license or permit at all times when driving.


» en manos de extranjerosforeign-owned .

Example: This article discusses the dangers posed by a monopoly of government information by a handful of corporations and conglomerates many of which are foreign-owned.

» en propiedad de extranjerosforeign-owned .

Example: This article discusses the dangers posed by a monopoly of government information by a handful of corporations and conglomerates many of which are foreign-owned.

extranjero2 = foreign ; overseas ; alien. 

Example: Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.Example: The National Library of Australia is the only library in the country with a large collection of overseas documents and in this capacity holds exhibitions of these materials.Example: Libraries in developing countries may represent part of an alien cultural package, an importation ill suited to the country's needs, even working at cross purposes to the people's interests.


» agente extranjeroforeign agent .

Example: I am sure I am being spied upon by foreign agents.

» ciudadano de nacionalidad extranjeraforeign national .

Example: All foreign nationals entering Guinea-Bissau are required to have a valid international travel document.

» con destino en el extranjeroserve + overseas .

Example: The wife of a military officer serving overseas told detectives she fatally shot her teenage son because he was 'mouthy'.

» de origen extranjeroforeign-born .

Example: This article focuses on foreign-born plaintiffs in civil litigation.

» estudiante extranjeroforeign studentoverseas studentexchange studentinternational student .

Example: Ethnic minorities, foreign students and males dropped out in larger proportions than other kinds of students.

Example: The present increasse in numbers of overseas students in Australian tertiarian institutions has implications for libraries.

Example: Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.

Example: The librarians in Uris Library at Cornell University, New York, have worked closely with faculty in the Intensive Program for 10 years to develop a programme of library instruction for international students.

» inversionista extranjeroforeign investor .

Example: This law allows the U.S. to impose sanctions against foreign investors in Cuba whose investments allegedly involve properties expropriated from Cubans who are now U.S. nationals.

» ir al extranjerogo + abroad .

Example: Increasingly students from the affluent countries are going abroad as part of their 'educational experience'.

» ir de vacaciones al extranjerogo (away) on + holiday(s) abroad .

Example: I love going out on long walks in the countryside and going away on holidays abroad.

» irse a vivir al extranjeromove + abroadmove + overseas .

Example: I'm one of several million Americans who has moved abroad to find a better way of life at a lower price.

Example: Many future expats want to move overseas, but don't think everything through.

» jugador extranjeroforeign player .

Example: This article describes and explains the process of the importation of foreign players to the Israeli football league.

» Legión Extranjera, laForeign Legion, the .

Example: Today, with a strength of approximately 8,000 men, the Foreign Legion is one of the French army's preferred units for overseas service.

» lengua extranjeraforeign languageforeign tongue .

Example: An algorithmic procedure is put forward by which a foreign language equivalent is found for an input word or expression.

Example: Schools often fail to equip children with anything other than a fragmented, phrase-book command of foreign tongues.

» mano de obra extranjeraforeign labour .

Example: The rest of the crew will be replaced with foreign labour from Chile and The Philippines.

» mercado de moneda extranjeraforeign currency market .

Example: Investing in the foreign currency market without acknowledging the importance of everyday events is certainly not a recipe for success.

» moneda extranjeraforeign currency .

Example: Although DOBIS/LIBIS must keep its accounts in a single currency, prices for documents may be entered in foreign currencies.

» mudarse al extranjeromove + abroadmove + overseas .

Example: I'm one of several million Americans who has moved abroad to find a better way of life at a lower price.

Example: Many future expats want to move overseas, but don't think everything through.

» ocupación extranjeraforeign occupation .

Example: They should see to the social reintegration of children who are victims of foreign occupation, anti-personnel mines and sexual abuse.

» país extranjeroforeign countryoverseas country .

Example: The article is entitled 'Political risk: sources that assess or advise on risks in foreign country business or investment'.

Example: This article describes examples of knowledge networks already in existence in Australia and other overseas countries.

» persona de nacionalidad extranjeraforeign national .

Example: All foreign nationals entering Guinea-Bissau are required to have a valid international travel document.

» potencia extranjeraforeign power .

Example: Machiavelli advised rulers facing unpopularity at home to consider picking a fight with some other nation, noting that a threat from some foreign power tends to unite people and help them to forget their differences.

» que suena extranjeroforeign sounding .

Example: This applies to anyone of immigrant background who has a foreign sounding name and purposely uses an Anglicised form of their name.

» salir al extranjerogo + abroad .

Example: Increasingly students from the affluent countries are going abroad as part of their 'educational experience'.

» salir de vacaciones al extranjerogo (away) on + holiday(s) abroad .

Example: I love going out on long walks in the countryside and going away on holidays abroad.

» tierra extranjeraforeign land .

Example: Besides this was the first time she was travelling abroad and the prospect of seeing a foreign land seemed to fill her up with joy.

» trabajador extranjeroforeign worker .

Example: As long as a foreign worker has a work permit, the hiring process will be the same as hiring a U.S. citizen.

» turista extranjeroforeign tourist .

Example: A man was drying out postcards in the sun to sell to the few foreign tourist wandering disconcertedly though the wreckage and rubble.



» en el extranjeroabroadoverseasoffshore [Adverbio] .

Example: Working with the library community both in this country and abroad, the Library has taken a leadership role in the standardization of the structure and content designators of machine-readable bibliographic records.

Example: The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.

Example: The 1980s have seen a significant increase in the quantity and breadth of offshore computering services -- those based in the developing countries.

» estudiar en el extranjerostudy abroadstudy + abroad .

Example: 143 first professors in American medical schools before the Civil War were selected, and records of their academic origins, places of birth, and study abroad were collected from various biographical sources.

Example: When everyone looks back on it they always seem to say that studying abroad is the experience of a lifetime.

» estudios en el extranjerostudy abroad .

Example: 143 first professors in American medical schools before the Civil War were selected, and records of their academic origins, places of birth, and study abroad were collected from various biographical sources.

» hecho en el extranjeroforeign-made .

Example: His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.

» nacido en el extranjeroforeign-born .

Example: This article focuses on foreign-born plaintiffs in civil litigation.

» vacaciones en el extranjerooverseas holidays .

Example: Miserable summer weather and signs the economic slump may be bottoming out have led Britons to start looking at overseas holidays again.

» vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origendump .

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» viajar al extranjerovisit + abroadtravel + abroad .

Example: Today, because of increasing mobility, people learn about other cultures not just from reading books, going to museums, and visiting abroad, but also by getting to know people from these cultures living in their midst.

Example: I have been told that eating Marmite for three weeks before travelling abroad helps to prevent mosquito bites.

» viaje al extranjeroforeign travel .

Example: The predominance of continental imprints suggests they were gathered by the donator's son during his studies in Cambridge and on his foreign travels.

Extranjero synonyms

alien in spanish: extraterrestre, pronunciation: eɪliən part of speech: adjective, noun exotic in spanish: exótico, pronunciation: ɪgzɑtɪk part of speech: adjective extraneous in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: ekstreɪniəs part of speech: adjective international in spanish: internacional, pronunciation: ɪntɜrnæʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun strange in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: streɪndʒ part of speech: adjective abroad in spanish: en el extranjero, pronunciation: əbrɔd part of speech: adverb established in spanish: establecido, pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃt part of speech: adjective external in spanish: externo, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrnəl part of speech: adjective overseas in spanish: de ultramar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrsiz part of speech: adjective, adverb extrinsic in spanish: extrínseco, pronunciation: ekstrɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective adventive in spanish: aventurero, pronunciation: ədventɪv part of speech: adjective tramontane in spanish: tramontane, pronunciation: trɑmoʊnteɪn part of speech: noun, adjective adulterant in spanish: mezcla, pronunciation: ədʌltɜrənt part of speech: noun naturalized in spanish: naturalizado, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective nonnative in spanish: no nativo, pronunciation: nɑneɪtɪv part of speech: adjective imported in spanish: importado, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrtɪd part of speech: adjective foreign-born in spanish: nacido en el extranjero, pronunciation: fɔrənbɔrn part of speech: adjective adulterating in spanish: adulterando, pronunciation: ədʌltɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective unnaturalized in spanish: no naturalizado, pronunciation: ənætʃɜrəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective
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